A Deviated Septum Can Affect Your Daily Life

A Deviated Septum Can Affect Your Daily Life.png

How does a deviated septum can affect our daily lives? Before finding out an answer for this question let's learn first what is a deviated septum. There's a bone and cartilage inside the nose that divides two chambers, known as nasal septum. When that bone is off-centered i.e. away from the middle, you encounter a deviated septum.

It's not something uncommon to live with a deviated septum. There are many who are living with it without having any issue. But for some people a deviated septum can create a lot of difficulties. You may feel uncomfortable while breathing. Aside from that, headaches and congestion are one of those symptoms.

Possible causes of a deviated septum

An injury in the nose can cause a deviated septum. Apart from this, many people are born with a deviated septum due to a difficult birth and for some people it is normal to live with a deviated septum. If you are experiencing painful symptoms, you need to contact your doctor for a possible solution. If you are looking for a treatment for a deviated septum, you can contact your doctor for a nose septum surgery.

A deviated septum can affect your daily life. There are certain signs that might indicate that you have a deviated septum:

  • You may experience difficulty in breathing.

  • Face pain and headache

  • Nasal congestion is a sign of deviated septum. This can take your sleep away.

  • A deviated septum will let you have mouth breathing and snoring.

  • In some cases frequent nosebleeds can be seen.

  • Sinus infection

  • Noisy breathing

What are the treatment options available for a deviated septum?

Treatment for a deviated septum depends on its severity. Since there are so many people who are living a happy and healthier life with a deviated septum, you need to make sure whether your deviated septum is causing you a lot of trouble. If it causes you trouble including breathing and sinus infection, septoplasty might be an option for you.

A surgical treatment for deviated septum is available in the name of septoplasty. It's a surgical procedure that straightens the septum, thereby allowing it a better airflow. septoplasty will make sure you breathe better and you are free from experiencing your daily painful life.

But before making the surgery a patient will have to go through certain tests. In case the patient has pre-existing issues like previous surgery, alcohol or drug addiction and certain health related conditions, the doctor may not allow him for the surgery.

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC provides you a high class treatment facility. We provide the best surgical care in all diseases relating to your ear, throat and nose. Call us now to make an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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