Alternative Treatment Options To Cure Sleep Apnea

Alternative Treatment Options To Cure Sleep Apnea.jpg

Sleep apnea is all about shortness of breath during sleep. It is a very common sleeping disorder occurs for a number of reasons. People stop breathing for a moment while sleeping. This happens more than a hundred times and if they do not consult doctors to cure this disorder, it can be fatal. This disruption of breathing happens because the brain may not get enough oxygen e.

Sleep physicians suggest CPAP therapy to those who have sleep apnea. But many patients do not want CPAP therapy because it contains a mask that covers the nose of the patient and uses very mild air pressure to open the airway. Therefore, we are sharing a few alternative sleep apnea treatments so that patients can choose the right option for them. Scroll down to learn more information about sleep apnea and the alternative methods to cure it.

  • Wear an Oral Device

Patients have to wear an oral device instead of wearing a CPAP mask. Patients who have used it before reviewed that it is very comfortable compared to CPAP therapy. This oral device holds the tongue in position to prevent collapsing or slide the jaw forward so that breathing does not stop while sleeping. You need a sleep technologist and dental professional who is trained in sleep medicine to set up the oral device in the patient’s mouth.

It is suitable for those patients who have mild sleep apnea and cannot bear the CPAP machine.

  • Surgery

If you are comfortable doing surgery, then it will be done in the areas such as tongue, tonsils and adenoids, upper and lower jaw, soft palate and uvula. Surgery will help you to reduce the extra tissues in your throat that causes collapsing of the airways during sleep.

But remember that doing surgery is not always the right choice for you. Patients may face some side effects after doing surgery such as pain, bleeding, and overnight stay in hospital. The patient is not allowed to move the jaw and also has to maintain a specific diet for a few weeks.

  • Positional Therapy

It is a type of behavioral therapy to cure sleep apnea. Some people face breathing problems while sleeping on their backs. It is known as the supine position. In this positional therapy, patients have to wear a special device around their waist. It helps the patient to sleep in the right position.

According to research, positional therapy is a better choice for the patients. They adopt the therapy easily compared to CPAP therapy.

  • Manage Your Weight

If you are overweight then losing weight can help you to get rid of sleep apnea. The patients have a narrow nasal passage and extra tissue in the throat, then a weight management program will help them.

If you are facing this sleeping disorder, feel free to contact OKOA and schedule an appointment. Our specialists will get in touch with you and assist you to cure the problem with proper sleep apnea treatment. Further, we provide various services like ears, hearing and balance, nose and sinus, neck and throat, allergy related problems.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.