Are You Suffering From Mastoiditis?

One of the main important structures in the inner ear is the mastoid bone. Though it is known as a bone, it is made of air sacs and resembles a sponge. Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection that can occur around the inner and middle ear. Mastoid air cells mainly protect the structure of the ear, the temporal bone during trauma and regulate ear pressure. If the mastoid cells become inflamed due to a middle ear infection, then mastoiditis can develop. Keep in mind that infection may spread outside of the mastoid bone and can cause problems. If you notice problems in your ear, contact an ear doctor ASAP.


  • Ear pain

  • Fever

  • Drainage from the affected ear

  • Hearing loss in the affected ear

  • Headache

  • Swelling, tenderness and redness behind the affected ear

How Do the Experts Diagnose?

If you suffer from these symptoms, make sure to contact a doctor. The specialist examines your ear and head and determines if the infection has spread to your mastoid bone. Keep in mind that the mastoid bone cannot be visible due to the infection. The ear doctor may recommend you to do these tests like a white blood cell count, an MRI scan of your ear, an X-ray of your skull and a CT scan of your ear and head.

Why Does Mastoiditis Occur?

You may suffer from this issue if you do not treat your ear infection in the early stage. In the beginning, the patient may be infected with a virus causing cold-like symptoms. As a result, infection, inflammation and pus build up behind the eardrum. If you do not treat this, then the infection spreads to the mastoid cavity over time.

What Are the Complications?

There are various complications that you may face if you do not treat this system on time. You may suffer from hearing loss, facial paralysis, headaches, vomiting, nausea, vertigo and meningitis.

How to Treat the Disease?

Doctors may prescribe you medications to reduce both acute and chronic mastoiditis. If you suffer from acute mastoiditis, then you have to stay in hospital for a few days. An otolaryngologist may examine your nose, ear and throat to treat the infection. If the symptoms do not improve, then the ear doctor may recommend doing surgery for draining the fluid from the middle ear.

This process is also known as myringotomy. In this process, the experts have to make a small hole in the eardrum so the fluid can be drained and get relief from the pressure. After that, he or she inserts a small tube into the middle ear so the drainage can be continued. Most patients get healed after getting this treatment.

Get in Touch With Us

You have to contact the ear doctor quickly to prevent permanent damage if mastoiditis develops. There is a possibility that this condition may return to you. Therefore, you may contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC often to ensure that the infection doesn’t return.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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