Can Your Children Get Allergy Hereditarily?

Baby Girl

Allergies are abnormal reactions of the immune system to things normally harmful for most people. If a person is allergic to something, the immune system is wrong to believe that it damages the body.

Allergens are known to be allergens to substances that cause allergic reactions such as certain foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines.

In the United States, allergies are a significant cause of disease. Up to 50 million Americans have some allergy, including millions of children. About two million school days missed every year are caused by allergies.

Who Is Allergic?

There is often a tendency to develop allergies, which means that genes can be transferred from parents to children. However, it does not mean all of your children are gained just because you, your partner or one of your children might have allergies. Moreover, somebody does not usually inherit a specific allergy, just the chance of allergies.

Even if a family member is not allergic, some children have allergies, and people who are allergic to one thing are allergic to others.

Allergy Symptoms for Food, Medicine or Insect


Breathing trouble


Tightness in throats

Swollen eyes





Itchy, watery eyes

Sudden blood pressure drop

The allergy may vary. The allergy may change. A person can occasionally have a mild reaction, which affects only one body system, such as skin hives. The result can be more severe and involve more than one part of the body at other times. In the past, a mild response does not mean a mild reaction in the future.

Hereditary Response of Allergies

The following allergic conditions were also linked by the researchers to the appropriate probability of genetic transmission to the offspring:

Allergic Rhinitis (like Hay fever): 31-91% genetic.

Hereditary dermatitis (such as eczema) is from 71-84 %.

Also, medical researchers have documented that if a parent also has asthma, a child is more likely to develop asthma. Asthma and allergies are also recorded to be much more common in young children if both parents experience these conditions.

Doctor doing patient allergy analysis

Reasons for Testing Your Child for Allergy

If your child is showing signs of allergic conditions such as continuous nasal drainage, sneezing, congested nasal way, itchy or watery eyes, have your child tested in our allergy clinic in Edmond. This is particularly true if your child has been diagnosed with asthma by a doctor.

Consider the reasons for testing your child for an allergy:

Food allergies are more prevalent than ever, with a food allergy diagnosed by at least 4% of all people in the USA.

An allergy of childhood can develop suddenly because the immunological response does not usually occur the first time a child is exposed to the allergens.

Allergies can result in a life-threatening reaction.

Allergies compound asthma flares.

Why Choose a Local Allergy Clinic

If you or your child needs allergy treatment, the test and treatment services required to maintain your health are provided. It also helps patients from abroad and is therefore not a precondition for the testing and treatment in our OKOA office in Edmond for allergy clinic.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.