Clogged Ears? Learn What Might Are the Reasons

What does it mean by clogged ears? Well the answer is simple. Clogged ears mean your ears are temporarily blocked. All you hear muffled sounds. A clogged ear might not give you discomfort but it will make you feel restless. No one wants to hear muffled sounds. It will heal normally. If it doesn't, you need to contact an ear doctor. There are many reasons why your ears feel clogged. Some of the common reasons are discussed below.

  • Affected Earwax

Earwax protects your ear. It traps pollutants and helps them get out of the ear canal normally. Sometimes, when earwax is affected, your ears may feel clogged. All you need to do is remove the ear wax safely. In this regard, you have to contact an ear doctor who will perform the removal task.

  • Blocked Eustachian Tube

The Eustachian Tube plays an important role in transporting fluid and mucus. When mucus and fluids are trapped in the middle of the ear, it creates a temporary blockage. Common cold, allergies and infection can cause damage to your Eustachian Tube.

  • Fluids in the Ear

For swimmers, it is a common thing. Water can easily be trapped in the Eustachian Tube while bathing or swimming. The small amount of water is enough to block your ears and makes it feel clogged. You can contact an ear nose and throat specialist in OKC if you think it's painful.

  • Stuffed Nasal Passage

Stuffed nasal passage is common when you have sinus pressure. But it can temporarily block your ear. An inflammation in the sinus cavities makes your Eustachian Tube swell. As a result, the connection between the middle ear and throat is closed. It creates a clogged feeling or temporary hearing loss.

  • Excessive Noise

Excessive noise can damage your ears. If you spend your day at a party or club where your ears are exposed to loud noises, you can experience temporary hearing loss.

What Are the Treatments for Clogged Ears?

There are many treatments that your doctor may follow to give you relief from your discomfort. But there are some home remedies too. Following these remedies you can actually find relief.

  • For affected earwax, do not remove the earwax on your own. Contact a physician.

  • If there is an infection in your ears causing pain, you must consult an ear, nose and throat specialist.

  • You can tilt your head sideways after a bath if water is trapped in your ears.

  • Avoid excessive noise. Excessive noise is not good for the ears.

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC provides comprehensive care for the patients. We have doctors who are specialized in treating your ear, nose and throat. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.