COVID-19 and Asthma Care Industry

Since we deal with patients with asthma and allergy, we have received a lot of queries from our patients regarding COVID-19. It is quite natural for our patients to be worried as the coronavirus attacks our lungs first. So, we the Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic have collected some of the questions that we are asked the most. We have answered the questions based on our experience and the recommendations may change as we get to know more about the disease.

What is Tele-Consult?

Tele-consult is providing the assistance that you used to get in the Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic virtually. Obviously, you need to have a steady internet connection for this. It is same as seeing our experts face to face but just virtually. So, you do not have to worry about whether the doctor can see you or hear your problems.

What Is The Plan Of Action In The Office?

Being the best Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic, we have always paid extra attention in cleanliness. That being said, we have started proper sanitization of the office building every day. We are not allowing any staff to join who reports ill or has been in contact with COVID-19 patients. Also, we have started to wear personal protective equipment or PPE when we are in close contact with our patients.

Can I get the infection?

Since COVID-19 is a contagious disease, everyone can get infected. But if you are practicing social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, and using sanitizer, your chances of getting affected is reduced by manifold. We strongly oppose against any type of group gatherings be it your kids dance tutorials or your tea party.

I am an asthma patient. Am I at risk for getting infected?

You probably should not worry about getting COVID-19. There are far more aggressive symptoms that can affect you if you are asthmatic. Make sure to follow the COVID-19 protocol to keep the disease at bay. In case you feel uneasy or notice any severe symptoms that may or may not be related to COVID-19, immediately contact us, the Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic.

Where should I contact in case my asthma flares up?

You have to understand if you suspect having COVID-19, the best thing to do is keep yourself isolated and wait for it to heal. Time along with some supportive medication can help you heal. Call the hospital only if you are really ill. Our experts at OKOA suggest taking the rescue medicines in case your asthma flares up.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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