COVID-19 & Asthma: Things Every Patient Should Know


Asthma is a chronic condition. Generally, it causes inflammation in the airways. In turn, this inflammation causes airway narrowing, leading to wheezing and breath shortness. It is classified as mild or moderate. Mild and moderate issues take time to resolve. Conversely, severe symptoms take time to resolve.

In the wake of COVID-19, asthma suffering patients need more care, as they have already experienced respiratory symptoms. Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic is suggesting to follow the tips to every asthma patient to get relief. .

Here are some tips that you can follow being an asthma patient.

Get fresh air

Closed spaces definitely carry risks for asthmatic patients. As we know that, COVID-19 spread in closed areas. Droplets take a longer time for dissipation if there are limited space and ventilation.

Conversely, continuous usage of chemical sprays poses a risk for the patients. It can irritate the airways and trigger asthma attacks.

For these reasons, you should get as much fresh air as possible. Make sure you are keeping the doors open while using disinfectant sprays. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms, contact with Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic.

Follow the guidelines

In the new normal world , people should take care of themselves: especially those who have aging complications due to aging or other conditions.

Skip unnecessary travel

It is recommended that patients, who have certain medical conditions: should avoid unnecessary travel for now. Public transportation like airplanes, cruise ships, and hotels has closer proximity to other people. On top of that, it is relatively harder to get medical care from a primary care provider.

Stock up the medications

Doctor recommends working with the pharmacist and health care provider for the emergency supply of all the asthma medications. It reduces the risk of not running out the valuable medicines.

Follow up the treatment plan

You should work with the healthcare provider to get your asthma treatment plan. This tells you how to take the mediation based on the symptoms’ frequency and severity. If you address the symptoms early, then it can prevent asthma attacks.

Looking for an allergy and asthma clinic in OKC? We are here

At OKOA, you will get quality treatment from experts. After evaluating your present condition, doctors will give you the medication. For more information, kindly visit our website.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.