Decoding the Less-Known Link Between Sleep Apnea and Obesity

It is common for people in OKC to get lost in the busy world. And we don't blame them at all. Every bit of activity they perform has some necessity. However, the problem arrives with restlessness. A sleep apnea treatment becomes helpful in such cases.

The everyday hustle and bustle of life discourage the need for a sound sleep. And this negligence leads to severe health complications in the long run. But is that the best way to showcase productivity? We don't think so. Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC's reputed physicians want to portray a hidden health-degrading story. That way, we expect people in OKC to gravitate toward a better lifestyle.

What Does Your Sleeping Schedule Reveal?

You must be aware of the sleep advice that the experts provide: 7-9 hours of sound rest. Undoubtedly, adolescents and kids need a longer good night's sleep. But what about the adult numbers? Approximately 6-7 hours of rest every night during the workweek.

As per the estimations, around 17% get less than 6.5 hours of rest. The reasons can be numerous. Maybe you have work to do or are making it your choice. Have you ever wondered how sleep deprivation negatively impacts your life? It shows no hesitation in inviting endless complications in the future. And that is when sleep apnea treatment becomes mandatory.

The Hidden Connection Between Obesity and Sleep Apnea

There are two epidemics that individuals in OKC witness- obesity and sleep deprivation. If you evaluate the lives of these obese people, you will find that they face sleep disorders.

And that too on a severe intensity. Unfulfilled sleep duration and being overweight go hand in hand. Research has shown that people getting minimal sleep complained of gaining more weight. Hence, optimum rest acts as the ultimate weight management modulator. Furthermore, the dangers of insulin resistance and diabetes go down significantly.

Sleep apnea is a common disorder that implies a breathing halt during sleep. And this condition is a risk factor for obesity and vice versa. Weight gain deposits the fatty tissue all over your body, leading to airway restriction (sleep apnea.) On the other hand, insufficient sleep causes the secretion of stress hormones. And due to metabolic variations, the person starts getting obese.

The Solution Is Knocking on Your Door

Once sleep deprivation becomes an unignorable experience, turn your gaze toward Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. Our highly-reliable sleep apnea treatment addresses the root cause and helps restore a healthy life. Moreover, our dedicated team formulates a personalized treatment plan according to your needs. No room for inconvenience now!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers