Details for Your Knowledge about Nose Septum Surgery
A deviated septum causes these blockages by displacing the wall between the nostrils. Enlarged bone structures known as turbinates could also block nose parts. A surgeon also performs a septoplasty procedure to treat long-term sinusitis, remove nasal polyps and deal with other nasal airway conditions. Sometimes, surgeons will advise septoplasty treatment or nose septum surgery to prevent recurring nasal bleeds.
One of the most common procedures in the United States is septoplasty treatment of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT). However, after other nasal blocking therapies, doctors often only recommend septoplasty.
Why Is This Process?
Having some deviation of the septum is common. If a septum deviates severely, it can block one side of the nose, reducing airflow and cause breathing difficulty on one or both sides of the nose. Additional exposure to the drying effect of air flow through the nose from a deviated septum can also sometimes lead to crusting or bleeding in some people. Cartilage repositioning and replacement or trimming or both are done to straighten the nasal septum. You might think of surgery to correct a deviated septum when having symptoms like difficulty in breathing by your nose–that significantly affect your quality of life.
As with any major operation, nose septum surgery carries risk like bleeding, infection and an adverse anesthetic reaction. Additional potential septoplasty hazards include:
Previous symptoms such as nasal obstruction, although the surgery has been performed
Changed shape of the nose
Septal opening of the septum (septal drilling)
Smell sensitivity
Draining of blood throughout the nasal area (septal hematoma).
Be Prepared
The general anesthesia frequently involves septoplasty. An aestheticist sleeps a person during the operation. Sometimes, surgeons choose to use local anesthesia and intravenous sedation, but the first talk to the patient about this. Like in other operations using general anesthesia, after a particular night before the procedure, people shouldn't eat, drink or even chew gum.
A doctor or nurse will provide additional information on when and how to take medicines if necessary. The doctor is likely to ask you to stop taking oral blood-thinning medicines for up to one week before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding. Anyone who is taking blood thinners or other medications should talk to the surgeon about this.
Tips to Follow
As the nose cures, the following can be avoided for easy recovery:
Nose blowing for at least 2–4 days
Alcohol drinking
Tobacco smoking
Returning to work on a very early date
Crowds, particularly in areas with increased chances of getting sick with the blow of cigarettes and other people with colds or coughs.
Fir nose septum surgery or septoplasty, you should be in good hands. Come to our OKOA for this surgery if you feel nasal obstruction is hampering your life.
**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.