Exercise Induced Asthma Vs. Out of Shape: Common Facts About It

Many people in Oklahoma City experience wheezing or coughing during a workout. This is a common condition experienced by most people, which is taken as the person being out of shape. People do not get it checked at any allergy clinic, but they might have exercise-induced asthma.

Doing strenuous exercise for a long time can lead to such asthmatic attack. This happens when the airway in your lungs gets narrowed, and does not let air enter. Allergens or weather conditions trigger exercise-induced asthma, and allergy doctors can help you get the proper treatment. You will be able to work out again after getting treated for all the asthma symptoms.

What Are the Symptoms?

You will be able to understand the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma during exercise as soon as your workout is done. These symptoms sometimes last for more than an hour or longer if not treated in time. Some of the common symptoms are as follows:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Coughing

  • Feeling tired during a workout

  • Wheezing

  • Tightness in chest

  • Bad athletic performance

If children get this, they tend to avoid doing any activity altogether. If your child struggles with exercise, you should take them to an allergy clinic to check. The allergy doctors can recommend a practice induce asthma test to confirm the diagnosis. Some studies suggest that this kind of problem happens to people who already have asthma.

How Long Do the Symptoms Last?

Most exercise-induced asthma is chronic, which means people will experience it every time they go to exercise. For some people, it isn’t as frequent and happens only when they do a certain type of exercise. The existing systems are not as long and occur due to some allergens. These happen while working out and last for almost 10-15 minutes which can be cured in an allergy clinic. In some cases, the person may get a severe asthma attack that might require emergency treatment by allergy doctors.

What are Some Treatment Options Available?

Just like normal asthma, exercise-induced asthma can worsen breathing, so an emergency plan should be in place. They mostly need to use a regular inhaler, but most allergy doctors prescribe medication like Montelukast. They also suggest using short-acting beta two agonists and long-acting beta two agonists, which they must take 30-60 minutes before exercising. Allergy clinic doctors also offer strategies to reduce their symptoms during exercise. They mostly try to do slow warm-ups, avoid all allergens, and avoid exercising in a cold and dry areas.

Get Yourself Checked

At Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, we have a dynamic group of physicians who have provided care to their patients for over 35 years. They first give a comprehensive examination and then tell you the best solution. Call to schedule your consultation today.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.