Get an In-depth Knowledge about the Risk Factors of Allergic Rhinitis


Stuffy or running nose along with itchy eyes are the common symptoms typical allergy. This type of allergy includes body aches, fatigue, and cough. Your body will respond in different ways that is referred to Allergic Rhinitis. Generally, mucous membranes are exposed to the allergen, and sneezing and coughing happen.

From a recent study, it has been found that more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergic rhinitis. Some people are more susceptible than others. If you don’t know about the risk factors yet, learn it from this article.

Too much exposure to the allergen

If you have a pet dog or cat, then the pet dander can cause allergies. Besides, there can be mold and microscopic particles that can trigger your problems too. Once you face this type of situation, contact your nearest allergy and asthma clinic.

Exposure to the smoke

Generally, children get mostly affected due to smoke exposure. This smoke includes cigarettes, cigars, and the smoke excreted from the drugs. Not only will the allergies, but inhaling the smoke also cause damage to the lungs among the children.

Additionally, , the adults are not safe too. If you live in a highly industrialized area, then the emitted smoke can damage your lungs. You should consult with your doctor to know about the remedies once you get affected.

Occupational hazards

Due to occupation, you might have faced harmful gases and chemicals. These pollutants are very harmful to your skin. As the irritants enter your body, it will develop the allergic response gradually.

Higher pollen count

Pollen is the most harmful and common allergen. Among a lot of pollens, tree pollen and grass pollen are the common causes of fever and sneezing. It is advised that allergy affected patients should count their pollen regularly. When the pollen count is high, they must restrict outdoor activities.

Are you seeking an allergy specialist in OKC? Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC has the allergy specialists to check your problem. You will receive the medications accordingly. Get in touch with us now.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.