Hearing Loss in Children: A Comprehensive Guide

Hearing Loss in Children - A Comprehensive Guide.jpg

Hearing loss may not impact your child's health, but it does impact your child’s ability to develop speech, language and certain social skills. The good news is that hearing loss in children is preventable. The parents need to be well aware of certain symptoms. If your child is having hearing loss, it’s your responsibility to see a pediatric ENT specialist in OKC. The development of your child largely depends on their ability to hear properly. If you are in Oklahoma, make sure you take your child to a pediatric ENT specialist for your child’s essential medical examination.

It’s called hearing loss when a certain part of your ear is not working in the usual way. It may be your outer ear, inner ear or any part of the auditory system.


Hearing loss in children has many causes. Some of the most common causes are –

  • Exposure to loud noise

  • Fatal injury in the head and ear

  • Infection in the ear

  • Birth asphyxia


  • When your child is unable to respond to others' calls, it’s a sign of hearing loss.

  • If your child doesn’t respond to sound after 6 months, it’s a sign of hearing loss.

  • When loud noises don’t bother your child, it’s a symptom of hearing loss.

  • If your child doesn’t respond when someone calls by his/her name, it’s a sign of hearing loss.

  • Apart from the symptoms discussed above, there are many other symptoms. Some of them are –

  • Delayed speech

  • Unable to follow direction

How Does It Impact Your Child’s Life?

If your child is unable to hear, he/she may not be able to communicate properly with others. The academic performance of your child will get seriously affected. Your child may feel frustrated with the outgoing experience. You must make sure to see a pediatric ENT specialist as soon as possible.

Treatment Options

There are several treatment options available for children regarding hearing loss. The treatment option largely depends on the severity of your child’s problem. If you are able to notice your child’s hearing loss, don’t delay in your child’s screening. While you are in Oklahoma, contact a pediatric ENT specialist.

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates offers highly experienced ENT specialists to help your child get back to his regular hearing. If you think your child is suffering from hearing loss, don’t delay in contacting us. We will help your child with screening and make sure he/she is able to hear. Schedule an appointment today.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.