How Balloon Sinuplasty Can Vanquish Your Sinusitis For One and For All?

Chronic sinusitis can be the bane of your existence if you don’t get proper medical treatment. If there’s anything worse than awful congestion and pain, it’s awful congestion and pain that doesn’t respond to treatment and no matter how hard you try, simply doesn’t go away.

Every year, more than three hundred thousand Americans resort to surgical intervention to treat their sinusitis. Fortunately, according to sinus specialists, surgical procedures like Balloon Sinuplasty are more than capable of stepping in when saline rinses and antibiotics fail.

What is Balloon Sinuplasty?

It is a surgical procedure that inserts a wire catheter attached with a tiny balloon through your nose. On gaining entry to your sinus cavities, the balloon is gently inflated to dilate your passages. Then, the balloon is then shrunk and removed. The passageways are now open and unobstructed and will stay that way without supporting implants.

What is The Surgical Procedure Like?

It is a minimally invasive procedure. It is conducted under drug-induced conscious sedation that does not let you feel pain but you will be conscious enough to respond to verbal commands and breathe normally. Before you are scheduled for surgery, a healthcare provider will take your vitals and perform a mandatory CT scan. The CT scan lets the sinus specialist determine if balloon sinuplasty is the right procedure for you.

Here are the usual steps a balloon sinuplasty consists of -

  • Administering IV sedation to depress consciousness and block your pain

  • A topical decongestant is applied to the nasal passages to curb any bleeding

  • The overlying nasal tissues are injected with a local anesthetic

  • Once the area is prepped, an endoscope is inserted into your nose, and a catheter is guided to your sinuses

  • The catheter is equipped with a small balloon that is now slowly inflated to unclog the sinuses

  • Depending on how much work needs to be done, the doctor may repeat the process a few times.

  • After the procedure is over, the balloon is deflated and pulled back from your sinus cavities.

Is Balloon Sinuplasty Painful? Are There Any Risks?

Patients usually report the procedure as painless, some recalling a sense of pressure around the olfactory area.

Periodic appointments to track your progress post-surgery will take care of any complications or side effects you might face.

The procedure is also mostly devoid of risks. In the rare, unfortunate case you develop bacterial sinusitis following the surgery, you might have to undergo an antibiotic course or seek a different endoscopic procedure.

What Is The Recovery Time and After Care?

Balloon Sinoplasty, being a minor surgery doesn’t require you to miss work at all. You will just need to avoid vigorous exertion for the next couple of days.

Get a nasal spray to rinse your nostril and sleep with your head elevated for more patent airways. You should also avoid blowing your nose for 48 hours after the surgery.

Where Should You Get Your Balloon Sinuplasty Done?

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates have been pioneers in providing sinusitis treatments for the last 35 years. Our team of skilled and dedicated specialists will take care of any nose and sinus issues you may have. No more perpetually stuffy-nosed, seek help and live a better life. Contact our nearest provider via our website and book your appointment today!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers