How Can Sleep Help You in Weight Loss?
Our bodies do much important work during sleep— repair the cells and tissues, restore our immune system full and healthy function, consolidate memory and boot the neural cells and brain networks. Throughout the time we burn calories. The estimated calorie burn for 150 pounds is just over 440 calories during a 7-hour night of rest. That's a jog on a treadmill for 40 minutes!
A large amount of high-grade rest is an essential factor in weight control – and is still overlooked. Following a proper sleeping routine, you can help your body burn more calories and maintain metabolism. In our sleep clinic in OKC, we help patients to get a better sleep following a few tips.
Body Thinning Activation
You might be surprised to hear that there is not only one type of fat — and certain fat types use energy to consume rather than to store it. Brown fat and beige fat both seem to have critical metabolic advantages. Brown fat is the so-called thinning fats burn calories in contrast to white fat, help maintain the proper functioning of insulin, help regulate blood sugar and protect against obesity.
The growth of these good fats can be achieved in at least a few ways through sleep. Studies have shown that the sleep hormone melatonin enhances both brown and beige fat. Natural, high-quality sleep, sticking to a consistent sleep-wake cycle and preventing disturbance of daily circadian rhythms are all means to encourage the natural production of your body's melatonin which can help your body improve its fats.
Blue Light Exposure
Blue light suppresses melatonin aggressively, castes out organic rhythms and hampers sleep every day. Research shows that melatonin production with a blue light delays more than twice as long as other light wavelengths and changes rhythms by twice as much. Too much bright light, especially at night, compromises sleep and health — including greater weight-gain potential. The weight-control benefit of this hormone and sleep itself might be inhibited by blue light melatonin suppression.
Go to Bed Earlier
Later bedtime was linked to several weight gain factors, including more late snacks and a stronger preference for high-calorie food. Research has shown a connection between later going to bed and weight gain. What's the context behind this? Several factors will probably be involved. Among them, staying up at a later stage just gives us time for more waking food cravings and for a temptation to eat with the most calorie-dense food.
Promote Sleep
Nutrition Shake
If you'd like to increase your overnight fat burning, choose Casein Protein. Casein is a progressively digested protein that takes about 6 to 8 hours to break down in your body. This means that your metabolism will remain active all night long and you will feel strong rather than hungry.
A Cool Bedroom
Keeping your bedroom cool will be one of the most comfortable, relaxed and sleep-friendly choices. You can sleep better, quicker and wake up less frequently during the night, because of a cool bedroom. Cool at night also promotes more calories used in your body. Moreover, as studies show, a colder room promotes beige and brown fat production, which burns energy (aka calories) and contributes towards protecting metabolic health. Keeping your bedroom cool, thereby can be your wisest choice.
Have Cottage Cheese before Sleeping
Food before the bed is often seen as taboo for diet, but it depends on the type of food you choose. The fact that people who wake up to feel hungry are far more likely to binge on breakfast food can be counterproductive in avoiding food before they sleep. A little cottage cheese snack is a great choice before bed. In our sleep clinic in OKC, patients may ask for diets that they can eat before sleeping.
Resistance Training
While sleeping alone is great for weight loss, you can perform some exercises before bed to help the process. Some pre-sleep resistance training is one of the best approaches. Fat burning is about enhancing your metabolism, and this is great by resistance training.
Repeat Small Meals
Eat little and often is a favorite tip from trainers and dieticians worldwide, and this is an excellent way to boost your night weight loss. Eating small meals often all day long helps keep your metabolism ticking and ensures that your body burns fat all night long. Of course, for this technique to work, these foods should be healthy and nutritious!
Dr. Ben Collins at our sleep clinic in OKC helps patients and guides them to sleep better.
**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.