How Can Smoking with COPD Invite Covid-19?


COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is increasing day by day. According to the studies done by some extremely reputed medical universities, almost 20% of the USA population suffers from COPD, and smoking is one of the most contributing factors of this disease. Smoking is quite a common thing in the USA. People indulged in tobacco in various forms like tobacco, cigarette, e-cig, cigars, and more. There is a lot of evidence that shows almost 50% of smokers are affected with COPD.

Covid-19 and COPD

Covid-19 has changed a lot of things in our life. We all know that coughing, sneezing, and other infectious factors are symptoms of being Covid positive. But, if you are a COPD patient and a smoker, an ENT doctor will ask you to leave smoking immediately to keep yourself safe from the novel coronavirus.

Covid-19 has made COPD patients more vulnerable to the virus. US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that smokers have a chance of non-survival if they get affected with Covid-19.

Most of the ENT doctors of OKC have witnessed a high mortality rate of smokers with COPD. The disease has enhanced the mortality rate up to 60%. A European Respiratory Journal found ACE2 receptors perform as a cellular entry receptor in increasing SARS-CoV.

Covid-19 infection can lead to extremity if you do not take proper care. If you are a patient of COPD, you have to be cautious enough. Avoid smoking to ensure that your lungs are in a good state. It can lead to adverse outcomes. By any chance, if you get Covid-19 positive, it would not be easy to survive.

How Severe Would the Symptoms be?

Smoking tobacco reduces the capacity of your lungs and makes them more vulnerable to different diseases. You will be more prone to any respiratory illness. COPD is a chronic disease in itself, and your lungs are already weak. When you smoke being a COPD patient, you have higher risks of being immunity compromised and catching Covid-19 quickly. It can lead to death if you do not take the right step.

Where to Go Then?

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC will help you with COPD. When you ask our ENT doctors for help, they will help you to overcome every hurdle. Our doctors can help you quit smoking as well. Come to us by booking your schedule on our website.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.