How Does Sleep Helps in Hypertension?


Almost one-third of the American citizens suffer from high blood pressure and this number is growing rapidly. It has increased hugely in the last decade and is showing nearly zero signs of slow down. Poor diets, heritage, less sleep make more people to suffer from high blood pressure.

  • What Is Hypertension?

Hypertension or high blood pressure happens when the arteries get excessive obstacle or resistance and the body struggles for pumping blood in the body. It also impacts the ability of the heart to pump blood. Since the heart needs to work more, it strains a lot and fails to work at the highest and its best capacity.

With time, hypertension is known to affect the health drastically as it is the primary source of cardiac problems, stroke, and heart problems among others. A weak heart will also make you susceptible to more health problem in future.

Hypertension is treatable. You can stay safe following a good diet, good and ample sleep and regular exercise under doctor’s instruction. These are the conditions to follow for improving hypertension. If you have trouble to fall asleep, visit a sleep clinic as a part of hypertension rehab program. You must monitor the blood pressure to catch the severe and intense symptoms earlier.

  • How Sleep Affects Hypertension

There is a clear connection between the amount of sleep and high blood pressure risk. In different studies it has been seen that people who sleep less than four hours every day than the people who sleep for seven hours every day.

It also has been seen that sleeping excessively can trigger high blood pressure. This problem can be avoided by having recommended amount of sleep every day.

The researchers have found that people who only get sleep for six hours the previous night has more risks of hypertension on the very next day. Continuation of less sleep can contribute to more compounded problem. When proper sleep revitalize the body the lack of sleep can stress the body even without making you realize it is too late.

  • Dealing with Hypertension with Sleep

If you are struggling with hypertension a good sleep can ease it out. Visiting a sleep clinic would help catch the early symptoms. The high pressure treatment is manageable. A little dietary changes and eating habit alternation can help a lot.

You ought to check the blood pressure regularly if you have a family history since this is to some extent hereditary. Diagnosing it earlier will help lessen the bigger threats in future.

Whereas diet and exercise is highly important for hypertension treatment, sleeping ample amount must not be neglected. Change your odd sleeping habits and if required take help from us at OKOA. Our sleep clinic in OKC is always at your assistance.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.