How to Deal With Sharp Throat & Ear Pain?

Mostly children are the candidates who get throat and ear infection very often, it can be worrisome for parents. Proper medical assistance is what is required. Contacting an ENT doctor in OKC at the right should be your primary concern. This will help your child get rid of pain at the right time. Delaying contacting a specialist doctor can bring in difficulties. When you are a parent, you should always be careful.

What Are the Symptoms of Sharp Throat & Ear Pain?

  • Moderate to severe pain in the back of your child's throat.

  • For adults, dry and scratchy throat.

  • Fluids coming out from the ear.

  • Unable to hear properly.


Since cold is not only the case, there are other underlying causes. Normally, ear pain goes away within a few days. If it doesn’t go contact ENT doctors in OKC at the right time. Here are a few important causes of sharp throat and ear pain:


Inflammation of the tonsils is quite common in children, but it can also be seen among adults. Bacteria and viruses cause inflammation. It creates pain while swallowing.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a gastro condition. Acid reflux occurs when the contents of your stomach go back into the esophagus. It causes heartburn and a lump in the throat. The lump gets painful normally after a heavy meal. Contact an ENT specialist as soon as possible.


Allergies such as dust and pollen can cause inflammation in the mucus. In most cases, it gets away with time. If the irritation stays for a longer period of time, you should visit an ENT doctor as soon as possible.


Mononucleosis is an infectious condition. The symptoms range from sharp throat to ear pain. Unable to hear properly and mild fever are one of the few symptoms. Since there is no specific treatment available for mononucleosis, taking your doctor’s advice will be key.

Sharp throat and ear pain are always difficult to deal with. If you want to learn how to treat your throat and ear pain, you should consider visiting Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. We have experienced ENT specialists to help your child manage his ear and throat pain right on time. Call us today and schedule an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.