How to Deal with Sinus?

woman suffering from sinus

Within your head, your sinuses and ears are linked. So, your ears can be affected by sinus congestion and stuffiness. Clogged sinuses can make your nose stuffy. You can also have pain, dizziness, and that feeling of muffled ear as you are on a downward plane.

However, once you understand what the issue is, you can take measures to relieve your ears or consult a sinus specialist. Steps that you can undertake to combat your sinus problems.


Decongestants over the counter, like nasal sprays can relieve the blockage of the sinus and, in turn, helps relieve clogged ears. All nasal decongestant sprays for sinus pain can be a remedy. It is not suggested using them for more than three days.  If you use a decongestant, be sure to follow the drug's directions strictly.

Pain Medication

You may also be able to relieve pain associated with sinus pressure using pain medication that you already have at home in your cabinet. Ibuprofen naproxen and acetaminophen are some medications you can try to get relief. Consult the best over the counter option with a sinus specialist.

Get moisture

Use a saline nasal spray several times a day or hold your face with a warm, moist washcloth. This can ease the pain and pressure. Humidifiers also help prevent drying out of your sinuses. You can also sit in the bathroom with a 15-minute hot shower to curb pain.

Drink Fluids

Lot of water down at night. It keeps nasal mucus thin when you remain hydrated. That helps drain it, which implies less stuffiness at night.

Saline Rinse

A saline rinse soothes nasal congestion along with ear pain. This is a technique that uses a saline solution to wipe out nasal passages. Some instruments used for saline rinses are syringes of bulbs, bottles of unique squeeze.


Give yourself a warm water bowl and a big towel for a steam therapy. Place your face over the bowl and over your head drape the towel. Breathe in the steam to cool down the water. Some individuals in the water use Menthol or Eucalyptus oils or Camphor. Steam helps in sinus congestion as it enables mucus loosening. A warm shower's steam can also assist loosen the mucus.

No quick moves. Don't get up too fast or shake your head rapidly.

Avoid products that contain caffeine, salt, alcohol and tobacco. These may influence your circulation and may impact your ears with minor modifications in blood flow.

Contact sinus specialist at OKOA if nose congestion and headache bother you a lot.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.