How to Know Whether You Have Sleep Apnea

sleep apnea

Almost 18 million adults in the USA suffer from sleep apnea and it is one of the most common diseases among the Americans. This is a weird kind of a sleep disorder that causes a pause in the normal breathing process when a person is sleeping. This can lead to serious threat if proper treatment is not undertaken by visiting a reliable sleep clinic.

However, not every sleep disorder is sleep apnea and there are certain ways to identify this disease. These symptoms should be taken under consideration before consulting a sleep doctor. Read on to learn about the 5 common ways to test whether you have sleep apnea.

5 Steps to Determine Sleep Apnea

These few signs will tell you whether you have the disorder.


This is one of the most common and prevalent symptom of sleep apnea. If you have this sleeping disorder, you are likely to snore loudly and with a weird sound. The sound generates due to the short of breath and congestion that take place because of the disorder. Choking or gasping is also some of the common signs that you may consider for treatment.

Fatigue During Daytime

This is a natural sign of sleep disorder. As you could not complete a deep sleep during night, you might always feel fatigued while working at the day time. This can be a serious issue and can take a toll on your health gradually. It is better to visit a sleep clinic as soon as you notice these signs.

Headaches, Sore Throat or Dry Mouth

Frequent headaches and sore throat can also be signs related to sleep disorder. You can get dry mouth as well. If you have sleep apnea, you will sleep by keeping your mouth open. Your mouth can dry due to this and you can have a dry mouth all throughout the day.

Depression & Mood Swings

Sleep is connected to our mental peace. If you cannot sleep well, you will face frequent mood swings and feel depressed every moment. Getting a good treatment can solve all these problems in a jiffy and you can easily lead a normal hassle-free life.

Medical Diagnosis

To be sure that you have sleep apnea, you need to do some tests by visiting a sleep doctor. After appropriate diagnosis, your doctor will be able to undertake the right treatment for you.

Book your schedule with OKOA. Our sleep clinic has experienced doctors who can help you overcome this disorder.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.