How to Prevent Allergic Asthma?

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Allergic asthma is one of the most common among various types of asthma. Many people both men and women suffer from this problem during allergy seasons. People who are suffering from asthma, generally, inhale an allergen. After that the airways become inflamed and they experience breathing problems. If you suffer from breathing problems or any other problems during a specific season, consult with an Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic immediately.

There are various reasons behind allergic asthma and it may vary from patient to patient. First, you have to identify the main and underlying reason for asthma attacks to prevent the problem. The following reasons are quite common behind allergic asthma:

  • Cockroaches

  • Polluted air

  • Strong fragrances

  • Dust mites

  • Pet dander

  • Mold

  • Pollen

Various Symptoms

The symptoms of allergic asthma are quite common. The person who suffers from allergic asthma may notice that the problems begin with interacting with a certain type of allergens. If anybody suffers from pollen allergy, then he or she may notice these symptoms including:

  • Tight chest

  • Wheezing

  • Shortness of breath

  • Dry cough

Treatment Options

To start the proper treatment to prevent allergic asthma, you need to do an allergy test in the Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic. Only then you can understand what the main reason behind the asthma attack is. You also have to pay attention to the surrounding environment besides treatment. There are various treatment options available and the doctor can recommend suitable medicines to cure it.

However, if you cannot reduce the problem after taking the medications, then you have to do immunotherapy that is also known as allergy shots. In this treatment, the patients have to receive a very little amount of the allergen to increase the immune system over time. Your body gets used to the allergen and as a result, your tolerance level will increase more.

Is It Curable?

The fact is allergic asthma is not curable at all. But if you continue the medications, then it can reduce the problem significantly and you can lead a happy, normal life. You should visit the Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic on a regular basis as the experts can help you to prevent frequent asthma attacks. You have to do three things- should avoid the specific allergens, take prescribed medications and immunotherapy treatment. These will help you to minimize the problem overall.

Contact Us

Nowadays, there are many treatment options available and to get proper treatment, visit Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.