Ill Effects of Snoring – When Do You Need Treatment?


When your partner erupts into a series of endless snores that make it difficult to even think about sleeping, you feel like you cannot even think about sleeping.

Now, before your partner falls asleep you stress the need for a deeper sleep, so you can rest better. It is essential however to understand that both of you and your partner have specific underlying health problems if you snore. Have your snoring treatment on time before it is worse.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Your upper airways collapse either partially or completely, causing difficulty in breathing when your body experiences sleep apnea. The collapsed airway will eventually lead you to snap off your sleeping, and if you have a top airway throughout the night, your risk of repercussions and problems will increase.

You may experience daily sleepiness, morning headaches, forgetfulness, anxieties and depression if you have sleep apnea.

Deep Sleep

It's crucial that your body falls into the three major sleep phases – that you start to sleep first, that your body gets ready to sleep, that you go into deep sleep, that you get back into your immune system, and, lastly, that your R.E.M dreams. If you snorkel, the air flows to your lungs and people may not respire for a couple of seconds. You may not sometimes realize that your snoring disturbs your sleep.

During the deep-sleep stage, the human growth hormone releases to your body that contributes to skin development, muscle growth and bone stimulation. It is important to keep in mind the consistent effect of poor sleeps nights on your heart, blood pressure, and that you are likely to develop diabetes.

If you don't endure the deep sleep phase, snoring or sleeping apnea will not completely restore your mind and body and rest will not return tomorrow morning.


A health analysis from a single sleep study revealed that the snoring intensity was associated with the risk of Carotid Atherosclerosis — reduction in the artery in the neck due to fatty deposits called plaque and consequently a stroke happens. Just put, the longer you snore and the louder each night, the longer your stroke risk is.


Persons with snoring long-term or sleep apnea may develop heart rhythm or arrhythmia irregularly. Researchers found that people with sleep apnea are more likely than people with CPAP apnea to experience atrial fibrillation (the most common type of arrhythmia).


In people with sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux or GERD is very common. People with sleep apnea can also have GERD as their throat closes in disorder, while air moves in or out in sleep, which causes changes in the pressure that can pull the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. Both GERD and sleep apnea have to do with overweight and both appear to be easy when people return to normal weight.

For snoring treatment, you must see a doctor. At OKOA we help our patients to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea from the life.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.