Itchy Throat after Eating Raw Vegetables? - Oral Allergy Syndrome

Some people experience pollen food allergy which is also known as oral allergy syndrome. The researchers have found cross-reacting allergens in both vegetables, raw fruit and pollen. As a result, their immune system identifies the particular proteins and pollen in the food and makes an allergic response against it.

Here, environmental allergy to pollen is the main culprit behind your symptoms. Though it is not very common, that does not make it extremely harmful at all. Some preventive measures can help you to prevent such a situation further. However, to deal with this type of problem, doing allergy testing in OKC would be the best option.

What is Oral Allergy Syndrome?

Generally, this type of food-related allergic reaction occurs in adults. Not to mention it is also connected to environmental allergies like hay fever. A specific type of nuts, fruits and vegetables can trigger an allergic reaction in your throat and mouth in case you have oral allergy syndrome. In easy language, the immune system of the patient confuses a fruit protein with a pollen protein.

What are Are the Symptoms?

You can experience a scratchy throat, itchy mouth and swell on the mouth, lips and tongue in this problem. Sometimes patients also have reported itchy hives and ears. In general, the symptoms stick to the particular area.

As the patient takes out the vegetables or fruits from his or her mouth quickly, therefore, there is no need for further treatment. That's why allergy testing is the best option because the patient gets to know about allergic problems.

What Type of Foods Can Trigger the Syndrome?

  • Cherries

  • Banana

  • Apples

  • Oranges

  • cucumbers

  • zucchinis

  • Tomatoes

  • Carrots

  • Peaches

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Bell peppers

Is There Any Difference Between Food Allergy and Oral Allergy Syndrome?

One of the main differences between these two issues is that OAS is not life-threatening and localized to the mouth. But sometimes, food allergies can cause death. For example, if you suffer from oral allergy syndrome, then you would be tested positive for environmental allergies while negative for any kind of food allergy. It can be confusing for you because generally we only know about food allergies and nothing more!

Allergy Testing is Is Not Just a Treat, It's a Treatment

You may experience some unpleasant reactions on account of oral allergy syndrome if you have pollen allergies. It does not cause a major problem but it would be good if you seek medical help in OKC.

Doing allergy testing can also help you to get the proper treatment in this case. If you experience such symptoms after eating raw foods several times, contact us at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers