Know The Structure of Human Ear


Your ears are a complicated system, a kind of biological microphone. It's hard to tell which part of the ear it comes from when you experience changes. That's why we have included a quick description of the areas of the ear to help you understand where it happens. In case you get issues with the hearing ability contact an ear doctor.

The ear is structurally divided into 3 areas (external, middle, internal), each of which performs an essential role in the hearing process.

An ear lobe (auricle) and canal consist of the external ear: both absorb the sound and direct it into the eardrum (tympanic membrane). The middle ear chamber comprises of the drum of the ear and three small bones that are malleus, incus, and stapes that transmit sound vibrations into fluid waves in the inner ear from the external ear. The Eustachian tube also attaches this chamber to the back of the throat, which equalizes pressure in the middle ear. A disruption can lead to conductive hearing loss in either of these sections, which can sometimes be repaired with medication or surgery.

The leading cause of conductive hearing loss, especially in children, is fluid accumulation in the middle ear. All conditions that cause blockage, leading to increased pressure, include ear infections, allergies and benign growths in the middle ear. The bulk of our patients come to us with problems with their middle ears.

The microscopic hearing nerve endings found in the inner ear chamber are immersed in fluid. The fragile nerve endings are activated by fluid waves that then relay sound energy to perceive in the brain. Sensorineural hearing loss may result from a disruption in this chamber. It is more difficult to treat damage to the inner ear, as it includes sensory nerves crossing back and forth on both brain sides.

You should be tested by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist as soon as possible if you encounter any unexpected changes to your hearing. The form of loss can be determined by inspection and testing (conductive or sensorineural). Before irreversible damage occurs, early treatment of hearing loss and medical conditions may make a major difference in future recovery.

See us at OKOA for visiting an ear doctor. In OKC, your allergy problems, sinus problems, ENT problems are treated by experienced physicians.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.