Lesser known Sleep Apnea Facts You Haven’t Heard Before


18 million Americans are facing sleep apnea and most of them are misinformed about it. They visit a sleep clinic to be monitored under expert supervision. With the passing days, the number of sleep apnea cases is gradually increasing as stated by the American Journal of Epidemiology.

There are some of the facts regarding sleep apnea that may be unknown to you. We are delighted that we will break the facts in front of you, which will be beneficial to consult with the doctors accordingly.

Sleep apnea can be hereditary

You may have sleep apnea since your childhood, but sometimes doctors cannot recognize it due to various factors. If it is diagnosed properly, your children will inherit it in the future. If it happens, your children can be at risk due to obstructive sleep apnea. If you undergo timely treatment you can save yourself, as well as your future generation.

A recent study states that only 2 years of children can have sleep apnea with fewer symptoms. As the symptoms are fewer it is not easy for the doctors to diagnose it properly.

Snoring is harmful

Joking about snoring is easy, but receiving the proper treatment is relatively harder. It can affect your health. If you snoring chronically, then choking or gasping is present, which denotes that you are suffering from sleep apnea and this is why doctors identify that you are a sufferer.

Women are also the victim of sleep apnea

There is a misconception that only men suffer from sleep apnea. This is not true at all. Most of the study shows that women are also the victim of sleep apnea with the clinical conditions present like men. In the US, 5 out of 10 women are affected by sleep apnea and this number is gradually increasing.

Overweight does not mean sleep apnea

If you have lost weight to get rid of sleep apnea, and still not getting the desired results, you are on the wrong track. Sometimes, there is another reason which is why sleep apnea persists. With the aid of a physician, you need to out why sleep apnea is there and how can you get rid of it.

Sleep apnea is very much irritating to you and to your partner who is sleeping next to you. Diagnose it in time, so that it can be cut off from your life. We, Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC have the best physicians to provide you the best treatment at our sleep clinic by determining the nature of your problem. Call us now to book your appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.