Nasal Polyps and Required Treatment

Nasal polyps are small growths in the nose lining that usually appear where the sinuses unwrap into the nasal cavity. They're not malignant, and they're commonly caused by chronic sinusitis' swelling and inflammation. You might not even be aware that you have polyps if they're little. However, the larger they are, the more likely they are to create problems, such as nasal obstruction, difficulty breathing from the nose, sinus headaches, snoring and facial pressure.

If these problems persist, your nasal polyps may need to be removed. Our ear nose throat specialist doctors are specialists in this field of nasal treatment, as they have conducted surgeries with excellent results.

What causes the growth of nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps are most commonly caused by long-term inflammation and irritation in the sinus border i.e. mucous membrane. It's unclear why some people develop polyps while others do not, although your genetics could be one factor. If you have one or multiple of the below conditions, you may be more susceptible to develop nasal polyps:

  • Allergic rhinitis

  • Asthma

  • Drug sensitivity, particularly aspirin

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Immune system disorders

What are the signs and symptoms of nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps come in a variety of sizes. Small ones rarely cause any complications, but as they grow in size, they are more prone to produce problems such as:

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Nasal obstruction

  • Headaches and facial pain

  • Snoring

  • Sleep apnea

  • Broadening of the nasal bridge

  • Blocked nose

  • Sneezing

  • Less feeling of taste and smell

What are my treatment options for nasal polyps?

The first step in selecting the best nasal treatment therapy for nasal polyps is to consult with a skilled sinus surgeon. We will evaluate you and may advise you to get a CT scan of your sinuses. This will enable our doctors to evaluate if your nasal polyps are caused by structural issues deviated septum or other conditions as chronic sinusitis.

Conservative treatment options, which may include the following, are always tried first:

  • Nasal steroid sprays – This is to reduce polyps, heal stuffy nasal passages, and ease runny nose symptoms temporarily.

  • Antihistamines - used to relieve symptoms such as a runny nose while also reducing inflammation, especially when the allergies cause inflammation.

  • Antibiotics – used to treat polyps produced by a bacterial sinus infection.

  • Oral steroid pills – this is for to relieve swelling and more symptoms, but should not be taken for long due to potential adverse effects.

Make an appointment or call our office now to take the first step in finding nasal treatment from nasal polyps. See us at OKOA for the sinus treatment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.