Nasal Valve Collapse: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

The nasal valve is the narrow area through which air passes. The area starts from the middle of the nose to the bottom. If the passage gets blocked due to any underlying cause, then this condition is known as nasal valve collapse. There are various ways it can develop but the main symptoms are congestion, nasal obstruction and difficulty breathing through the nose.

According to the researches, one in every four patients suffers from nasal obstruction in this condition. In this article, we have discussed nasal valve collapse, the symptoms and what reasons are behind this problem and how you can treat it. If you experience these symptoms for a few days, then contact ENT doctors in OKC immediately.

What Is Nasal Valve Collapse?

Nasal valve collapse means the weakness of the nasal valve. The valve is the narrowest part of the passage area. Mainly this part of the nose limits the airflows. Since the valve is already narrow, therefore additional narrowing can prevent airflows and cause blockage over time. Nasal valve collapse has two types including internal and external.

Are There Any Particular Symptoms of This Condition?

  • Congestion.

  • Crusting around the nostrils.

  • Snoring.

  • Obstruction of the nasal passage.

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose.

  • Nasal bleeding.

If you experience these symptoms for too long and over-the-counter medications cannot lessen the problem, then contact an ENT specialist immediately before it becomes a major one.

What Causes Nasal Valve Collapse?

  • Aging.

  • Scar tissue.

  • Trauma to the nose.

  • Inflammation.

  • Enlarged tissue.

  • Complications after the nose surgery.

  • Weak nasal cartilage.

How Can You Diagnose and Treat This Condition?

Generally, ENT doctors diagnose nasal valve collapse in most cases. Diagnosing this problem sometimes can be difficult because deviated septum can lead to the same symptoms and overlap the conditions.

Previous medical history can be an important factor if you have had a history of nasal surgeries. To diagnose the problem, the expert may conduct an endoscopy in the beginning. They also perform several tests including:

  • Bachman's Maneuver

The experts use instruments to widen the nasal valve and assess the improvement in breathing.

  • Acoustic Rhinometry

The expert can also use sound waves to detect changes in the nasal cavity.

After doing these tests, the experts can start the treatment. There are a few ways the healthcare provider adopts to correct cosmetic problems. The following options are Nasal valve dilator, Surgery and Nasal decongestants.

Get Rid of Nasal Issues

Though it is a complicated problem, you don’t need to worry about it. If you consult with a doctor in the beginning of this problem, then it can be cured easily. To know more about it, contact us at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, in Norman, OK.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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