Not Fixing Deviated Septum – The Consequences

Not Fixing Deviated Septum – The Consequences.jpg

Around 80% of people have a deviated septum, according to estimates. The septum of the nose is a structural error that separates the right and left nostrils. The majority of people get deviated septum by birth and are completely unaware of it. In some cases, a deviated septum develops as a result of nose trauma. A deviated nasal septum usually has no health concerns; if the nasal septum is severely crooked or off-center, a deviated septum repair may be required followed by treatment of ENT doctors.

  • What Are the Symptoms and Signs of a Deviated Nasal Septum?

Because the nasal septum's surface is typically dry, a deviated nasal septum can cause recurrent nosebleeds. This is frequent, especially when a section of your nose is overexposed due to a nasal septum distortion. One-sided facial pain can be caused by a nasal septum deviation, especially if the distortion causes higher pressure in one nostril.

Nasal obstruction is another common symptom of nasal septum deviation. Breathing difficulties are caused by nasal blockage. A cold can worsen nasal congestion, leading to a preference for sleeping on one side to improve breathing. Nasal obstruction in milder versions can take the form of a nasal obstruction cycle, in which the blockage alternates amid the nostrils and is dependent on the supine posture.

A deviated nasal septum can cause snoring while sleeping. A deviated nasal septum can worsen or cause sleep apnea in more severe cases. Sleep apnea is a medical disease that causes spells of inability to breathe while sleeping. Headaches and post-nasal mucus leaks are two further symptoms.

  • What Are the Consequences of Ignoring a Deviated Septum?

People with mild nasal septum misalignment may be unaware they have one, those who have significant symptoms should consider permanent treatment alternatives if they do not want to live with the pain and discomfort for the rest of their life. A deviated septum does not go away by itself. If left untreated, it has a higher chance of getting worse.

People who have a deviated septum are more likely to get sinus infections in their life. Chronic sinus infections cause nasal inflammation and irritation, which can develop to more dangerous illnesses such as brain and eye infections. Untreated sinus infections can extend to the brain or the tissue surrounding the brain, however this is uncommon.

Sleep apnea is a dangerous disorder that can be caused by an untreated deviated septum. Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person temporarily stops breathing while sleeping. Sleep apnea causes people to cease breathing for brief periods of time while sleeping. When a person stops breathing, the brain and the rest of the body are deprived of the oxygen they require to function correctly and replenish themselves. The most frequent type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, which happens when an obstruction in the airway prevents oxygen from reaching the brain. Obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by an untreated deviated septum.

Sleep apnea can cause stroke, high blood pressure, heart attacks, heart failure, diabetes, depression, ADHD worsening, and headaches if left untreated. Sleep apnea can also result in poor work or school performance, auto accidents, and academic underachievement in youngsters.

People with deviated septums may endure headaches, facial pain, nosebleeds, and nasal blockages, sleep apnea, and other disorders that can develop concurrently.

See us at OKOA for ENT doctors in OKC for further details.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers