Pediatric Voice Disorders: Is It Real?

Children can develop certain types of problems with their voices. One of the most common symptoms of this problem is breathiness or hoarseness. According to many researchers, if the problem is not treated on time, then the kids can feel the problem and limit their participation in activities.

As reported, approx. 1 million children suffer from chronic dysphonia in the United States. Many pediatric voice centers can help your children by diagnosing and treating pediatric voice disorders. Consequently, if you notice any problem in your child’s voice, then contact an experienced pediatric ENT quickly to fix it.

Symptoms of Voice Disorder

  1. You may notice hoarseness in your child’s voice very frequently.

  2. Intermittent voice loss during or after shouting, singing, sports, cheering, and camp.

  3. Raspiness is present all the time in the kid’s voice and parents think it is the natural voice of their child.

  4. Experiencing straining to reach the higher notes while singing

  5. Voice sounds lower compared to most children of similar age.

Causes of Voice Problems in Children

Keep in mind that speech and voice are not the same things. The ching faces difficulty while making sounds and this problem has no connection with the formation of words. This type of problem originated in the larynx which is also known as the voice box and as a result, you may notice a hoarse voice in children. The main reason behind pediatric voice disorders are:

  • Acid reflux disease

  • Papillomas

  • Vocal nodules or polyps

  • Vocal cord paralysis

  • Neurologic disease

  • Vascular malformations

  • Laryngeal tumors.

  • Vocal cord webs

  • Scarring of the larynx

The Diagnosis

A pediatric ENT will recommend a laryngeal video stroboscopic exam to diagnose the voice problem. The expert uses a flexible laryngeal endoscope and enters through the nose of the child into the back of the throat. This tool helps the expert to view the voice box of the child while in motion. The tool emits a light that slows down the movement of each vocal cord and exposes problems including small tumors, incomplete vocal cord closure and scarring. This entire process takes five to 10 minutes to complete.

Types of Voice Therapy

  • The expert can use the resonant voice technique and eliminate strain on the vocal cords.

  • The child has to follow an appropriate breathing pattern for vocal projection, sports and speech.

  • The pediatric ENT has to identify and use alternative habits to improper vocal habits.

  • Changing loudness.

  • The child has to speak at an appropriate speed.

  • The expert may manipulate the muscles on the outside of the larynx.

Don’t Normalize the Problem

If you notice raspiness or hoarseness in your child’s voice, then contact an experienced pediatric ENT immediately to treat the problems. Otherwise, it may affect the overall growth of your child. To get professional guidance, contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC in OKC. They provide various services like allergy, sleep apnea treatment as well.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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