Pneumococcal Vaccination for Ear Infection in Children

Bacteria may cause severe disease and even death with a Streptococcus pneumonia infection. Approximately 200 deaths every year in children under 5 are attributable to the invasive pneumococcal disease. In the U.S. it is the main reason for bacterial meningitis. Children under two years have the highest risks of serious diseases. Bacteria of the pneumococcus are transmitted by close contact from person to person.

The bacteria are now resistant to some specific medications that were earlier used for treating infections. This makes it more critical to prevent pneumococcal infections. The conjugate vaccine for pneumococcal diseases prevents pneumococcal disease like meningitis and infections of the blood. Ear infections can also be prevented. However, ear infections could have many causes, and pneumococcal vaccinations are effective for only a few of those.

Pneumococcal vaccine

What is the pneumococcal vaccine?

The pneumococcal conjugate vaccination is shot for toddlers and children (abbreviated PCV13). It helps prevent the spread of pneumococcal disease. It is now given to older adults as well. Protection of the vaccine is for a minimum of 3 years. During the first two years of life, the time of greatest risk, the vaccine protects children from bacteria as this disease is highly contagious.

The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine - For Whom and When?

All the children who are younger than two years old. Healthy infants and toddlers should receive four doses of the PCV13 vaccine at these stages of development for children under age 2. Your healthy toddler or infant should get this vaccination four times at these development stages.

  • First dose at two months

  • Second dose at four months

  • Third dose at six months

  • Final dosage at 12 months to 15 months

Children who missed this vaccination at these stages can still be vaccinated. Treatment depends on the child’s age, and you should ask your pediatric ent in OKC for dosage advice.

Children aged between two to five are recommended for this pneumococcal conjugate vaccine who have -  

  • sickle cell anemia

  • damaged or no spleen

  • cochlear implant

  • cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak


  • Immune system affecting diseases like cancer, diabetes or liver problems

  • Undergoing chemotherapy or taking steroids


This vaccine has an active antigen ingredient but also consists of other ingredients but in a little amount:

  • Aluminum – It strengthens and makes the immune system response to the injection

  • sodium chloride (salt)

  • succinic acid – regulates acidity

  • Polysorbate - this is an emulsifier which holds other ingredients

hot of pediatrician giving a three month baby intramuscular injection in leg on white background. Injection for protection children

Who Should Wait or Avoid This Vaccine?

If the child has a life-threatening allergic reaction from a previous dose or a severe allergy to a component of the vaccine, he or she should not be administered the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Tell your pediatric ent in OKC if your kid is having a severe reaction or a severe allergy after any vaccination. Vaccines may be taken for children with a mild illness, for example, a cold. However, children with moderate or severe illnesses should wait until they’ve recovered.

Come to OKOA for a pediatric ent in OKC for advice about pneumococcal vaccination. For any ear, nose, or throat infection, visit us.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.