Septoplasty: Breathe Easier with Nose Surgery

When we think of nose surgeries, our minds often jump to cosmetic procedures and enhancements. However, nose septum surgery, clinically known as septoplasty, serves a more functional purpose. This procedure can be the ultimate solution for those struggling with breathing problems, blocked nasal passages or recurrent sinus issues. Let's delve into the nuances of this minor yet pivotal surgery.

When Will You Opt for Septoplasty?

Septoplasty primarily addresses a deviated septum. This thin wall between your nostrils can shift to one side, causing a blockage. Over time, such blockage can lead to breathing problems and other complications. This misalignment may occur at birth or result from an injury. Hence, septoplasty becomes essential when nasal blockages can't be corrected through medications or other treatments.

Is Nose Septum Surgery a Common Procedure?

Yes, nose septum surgery is a relatively routine procedure performed by otolaryngologists. Many people suffer from deviated septums and, as a result, turn to physicians to rectify their problems, making it a fairly common procedure of ENT surgeries.

A Step-by-step Procedural Guide for Patients

What to Do Before the Surgery: Before undergoing a septoplasty, patients typically undergo a physical examination. They might need to stop certain medications and smoking to reduce the risk of bleeding and complications.

How the Surgery Proceeds: Small incisions are made inside the nose under general or local anesthesia. The mucous membrane is lifted from the septum and the deviated septum is straightened. Once corrected, the mucous membrane is repositioned and the incisions are closed.

Most patients don't describe the nose septum surgery process as painful, especially since anesthesia is used. Some discomfort or feeling of pressure might be experienced, but acute pain is generally uncommon.

How the Post-Surgery Process Progresses: Patients might feel some swelling or experience mild nasal congestion after surgery. They'll be asked to rest, avoid strenuous activities and refrain from blowing their nose for a few days.

The Benefits of Septoplasty

  • Treating Breathing Disorder: Correcting the septum's alignment opens the nasal passageway, easing breathing.

  • Reducing Snoring: A corrected septum can reduce nighttime snoring and improve sleep.

  • Treat Sinus Problems: By enhancing nasal passage airflow, the surgery can alleviate sinus issues.

The Potential Risks of the Surgery

Like any surgery, Septoplasty carries risks, including bleeding, infection or anesthesia complications. Some might experience a change in nose shape or persistent symptoms even after the surgery.

How Long Does the Surgery Take

Typically, a septoplasty takes 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the case's complexity.

What Precautions Should You Take After the Surgery?

  • Restrict Activity Levels: Avoid strenuous exercises and heavy lifting.

  • Diet Plan: You may opt for soft foods to prevent nasal discomfort, but there aren't many restrictions.

  • Relieve Pain: Over-the-counter pain relievers can be beneficial.

  • Fever: Monitor body temperature and seek medical advice if a fever develops.

  • Get Antibiotics: To prevent potential infections.

  • Proper Surgical Dressing: Ensure the surgical area remains clean.

  • Clean the Surgical Site: Apply the prescribed solution gently.

When Will You Consult a Doctor?

  • Trouble breathing.

  • Persistent pain or bleeding.

  • High fever.

  • Signs of an infection.

  • Any unusual discharge from the nose.

Come to Our Clinic and Prioritize Your Health

Are you considering nose septum surgery? Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC can guide you through the process, ensuring safety and precision at every step. Contact us today.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.