Sinus Headache Or Migraine? Learn the Difference

Sinus Headache Or Migraine Learn the Difference.jpg

It's quite difficult to recognize whether your headache is a sinus headache or migraine. Many people consider their headaches as the sign of sinus infection, but in reality they turn out to be migraines. Let's learn the difference between a sinus headache and migraine. This will help you to know how to get proper relief.

  • Similarity of symptoms

Sinus and migraine both share quite similar symptoms. First, both are headache and second, in both cases a facial pressure is felt especially around your nose, eye and ear. Third, in both cases, you may get watery eyes. Although in case of sinus headache you may have fever, nausea, dizziness and low appetite but in case of migraine, you might not have such symptoms. If you think you are having a sinus headache and it's hampering your daily activities, contact Sinus Specialists to get relief right on time.

  • How would you recognize a sinus headache?

Sinus headaches occur around your sinuses. In case of having a sinus headache, the possibility of having a sinus infection is high. This is the main fact that differentiates sinuses from migraine. You can feel a lot more pressure on your nose while having sinus infection. As time progresses, it makes your nose congested. Apart from having a sinus headache, you can notice thick yellowish and greenish snot from your nostrils which are actually signs of sinus infection.

Some common symptoms of sinus headaches are - pain in the head, watery eyes, nausea, facial pressure etc.

With Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, you can find the best treatment for you. We provide high quality healthcare facilities to our patients. Schedule an appointment now to experience our healthcare services for all ages.

  • Treatment

To get relief from your sinus headache, it's always recommended that you contact your doctor who is a sinus specialist. The infection is needed to be examined properly to get the proper treatment. A lack of proper treatment can lead you to obtain certain problems in future.

  • How would you recognize a migraine?

A migraine is something more than what you think of as a normal headache. Yes, it's a head pain but in this case, there are more things involved. Less sleep, consumption of alcohol, and a bad diet can lead you to have migraines. A migraine can make you feel nauseous too. Beside this, light and sounds can create discomfort for you while having migraines.

Some common symptoms of migraines are head pain, watery eyes, discomfort with sounds, discomfort with lights, nausea etc.

  • Treatment

Migraines are actually the results of chronic pain or engagement in certain activities. It's actually preventable. Since people with migraine feel discomfort with light and sounds, make sure that while having pain, you pick a dark place and close your eyes to get some relief. If you are having a severe headache, you can take medicinal help from your doctor.

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, provides you with the best treatment for your ear, nose and throat. We provide high quality healthcare facilities to our patients. Call us now to book an early appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.