Sinusitis – Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Sinusitis – Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention.jpg

If your paranasal sinuses are inflamed that is possibly sinusitis. Nasal passages need mucus to work efficiently and the sinus cavities generate that mucus. It can be either chronic or acute. The causes that lie behind sinusitis are bacteria, virus, fungi, allergy or autoimmune reaction. This condition is painful and uncomfortable and often heals without any medicine. If the symptoms are severe or persists for long, you would need acute sinusitis treatment.

What is sinusitis?

The sinus is a hollow space present in a human body. There are multiple sinus types but the sinusitis only affects the paranasal one. It is found from the back of the face stretching to the nasal cavity. The sinus lining composition is similar to the nose lining. Mucus that is a slimy production comes from sinuses. It keeps the nasal passage wet and moist and locks in dirt particles. If mucus builds up it makes the sinuses inflamed and irritated. This is often referred to as rhinosinusitis as the inflammation always comes up with rhinitis that is a nasal inflammation.


  • Yellow or green nasal discharge

  • Post nasal drip where mucus flows to the back of the throat

  • Facial pain

  • Runny nose

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Bad breath

  • Headache

  • Fever

  • Decreases smell and taste

  • Swelling and inflammation around the nose, forehead, cheeks and eyes

  • Toothache

The Treatment Ways

  • Congestion

For acute nasal treatment nasal congestion is a great way of help. It helps to reduce the pain that occurs from sinus pressure. You can apply a warm and damp cloth on your forehead, nose for multiple times a day. Nasal rinses are also very effective for clearing mucus from the nose.

  • Pain remedies

A sinus infection may lead to pressure or headache to the foreheads and cheeks. If the condition is painful you must take OTC medications.

  • Antibiotics

If the symptoms continues to stay for a few weeks that could be a bacterial infection for which you need antibiotics. This will improve your condition of persistent runny nose, cough, congestion, facial pain, eye swelling, headache and fever.

Sinus Infection Prevention

Sinus infection can turn worse after a flu, allergic reaction or cold, therefore, a healthy lifestyle can greatly help to reduce your germ and allergen exposure. The following can reduce the risks –

  • Flu shot every year

  • Eating healthy fruits and vegetables

  • Washing the hands regularly and frequently

  • Reducing smoke, pollen, chemical and allergen exposure

Call us at OKOA for acute sinusitis treatment. We would guide you for treating the chronic or acute sinusitis. For ENT issues, allergy problems, you can see us.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.