Smart Tips to Recover from Nose Septum Surgery Hassle-freely

Any surgery is difficult for the human body, whether big or small. But by following the right advice from the doctors, you can have a short and proper recovery period. One of the hardest surgeries is nose septum surgery; though any surgery on your face is difficult to handle.

Most ENT doctors in Norman, Oklahoma, say it does not require much work. Nose septum surgery is a procedure for those suffering from the deviated nasal spectrum. The nasal spectrum is the thin wall that can separate the right and the left nostril. It comprises cartilage and bone, with a thin mucous membrane lining. Keep reading to know some tips on recovering easily.

Ice the Area

The nose will not be the only swollen area on your face. Many other parts of your face, like lips, forehead, eyes, and cheeks, can swell up. This is very common among all patients, so ENT doctors suggest that ice can help reduce swelling. It will also help to speed up the bruising recovery.

Take Rest

The first priority after you come home from the hospital after nose septum surgery should be to take an ample amount of rest. You can try propping your pillows because ENT doctors suggest keeping your head elevated. This prevents any fluid from collecting in the tissue. This sometimes reduces the swelling that has already happened on your face.

Sometimes patients need someone to help them get out of bed right after the surgery because you might not be strong enough to do it yourself. Make sure not to strain yourself during this time, or else your nose won’t be able to recover in time.

Stay Hydrated

Taking care of your body is very important, like eating healthy food and drinking proper amount of water. After nose septum surgery, patients should eat food rich in fiber and protein. These nutrients help your body to recover quickly and also help to reduce stress.

The ENT doctors suggest avoiding food rich in fat and sugar or food that can be a problem to your bowel movement. You can throw all the toxins out of your body and keep the swelling down by drinking lots of water. You should avoid drinking alcohol during recovery time since your body is trying to heal during this time.

Slow and Easy Walk

You might want to go out and take short walks during your recovery period to be healthy mentally and physically. This also helps to keep the circulation going which draws toxins out of the surgery area. Ensure that you do not walk fast and have someone accompanying you during this time.

Have Surgery from the Most Respected Clinic

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates have the best team of physicians and have been serving people for more than 35 years. The physicians provide comprehensive exams which help them determine the cause of the problem and create a treatment plan that can meet their needs. Learn more about our services by visiting our website.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.