Snoring Problems Can Cause Separation in Marriage

snoring problem

You're not alone if you prefer to sleep without your partner. Many problems can have an impact when you sleep beside somebody else. Couples with sleeping disruption can experience tiredness and your relationship can be affected.

Your relationship must not be affected by sleep, however. There are a few common causes why couples fall asleep and how to get rid of them. Contact sleep clinic to solve the issue.


Snoring is an irritation and the shuteye of your sleeping partner can easily be interfered with. Snoring can be chronic often, so that your partner stays awake every night.

If the airway is through, the snoring noise induces a hearing sensation of the throat. Muscles are relaxed during sleep, which has an effect on the airspace. The risks of snoring will increase, including poor posture, weight gain and sleep apnea for several reasons.

You don't have to sleep apart forever if you can't rest as your partner snores a lot. A snoring aid can help reduce or remove the snoring problem so that you can both relax for a whole night. Snoring mouthpieces function by holding the jaw forward, so that the airways are more open.

You can also try a language-removal device that holds the tongue in a position to prevent blocking and snoring. Chin straps are a good choice, too. The alignment of the jaw is supported to prevent blockage to the airways.

Core Temperature

The core temperature of sleep is an important factor. You may feel restless or find it difficult to fall asleep, when it's too hot or cold. It is essential to maintain a good sleep to regulate your body temperature.

Some couples may find sleeping together nearly impossible if core temperature differences are a problem. One sleep partner may prefer to blast in the night, while the other throws the cover off the surface continuously.

If you and your sleeping partner are concerned with this question, it does not mean that you must sleep in separate rooms. Look at different mattresses or pillows regulated by temperature.

These temperature balancing devices enable each partner to change the temperature according to its preferences. A mattress or pad can be offered that can heat or cool your bed. Cooling mattresses also help to maintain a warmer and more comfortable place to sleep.

Watching TV

Another common reason for bad quality of sleep for couples is night watching. Certain explanation are there why couples are not sleeping. You or your partner might like to catch the latest television front before bed, but this is a frustrating habit that hampers good sleep for you both.

The disturbing noise of the TV may be a risk to the sleeping partner. Yet that's not only a problem with loud sound. The light of the TV screen is also a major blame for making sleep more difficult.

You can overcome this problem by better sleep patterns if you and your partner can not sleep together as a result of late-night TV watching. You can do this by replacing TV with other activities at night, such as reading and writing.

Before you go to sleep, you should not watch TV in the bedroom. Look an hour earlier on your favorite TV show than you normally do. You should unplug and unwind your bedtime routine.

Sleep Schedule

Modern couples often deal with busy and hectic schedules, which can't sustain a schedule for regular sleep. One partner could go early to bed and the other would like to stay late. Couples can have different schedules, resulting in different sleeping agendas.

No matter why a pair of sleeping partners are unpredictable, you don't always have to sleep apart. Low sleep patterns will potentially affect your health and increase the chances of exhaustion, temperature and low concentration.

There are several steps you can take if you and your partner need to improve your sleep schedule. Adjusting a sleep schedule should change gradually by slowing down your bedtime.

Speak to your partner and decide that you are couching and waking up, which works best for you both and adhere to them. Communication is important to improve your sleep and relationship. In every area of life, a good night's sleep will make a difference for you both.

Otherwise, contact OKOA to treat snoring disorder. Our sleep clinic in OKC is happy to help you.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.