Suffering from Sinus- What’s The Truth?

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 29 million Americans suffer from sinus every year. As a result, the diagnosis is increasing. Due to sinusitis, patients encounter symptoms like facial pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, and whatnot.

All these symptoms take place due to the blockages in the sinus opening, which results in infection. As a part of the treatment, doctors read the history and opt for a nasal examination. This includes nasal endoscopy and apart from that, a CT scan is also performed to get further information on the problem.

What is Sinusitis?

A few other symptoms of sinusitis include tooth pain, ear pain, discolored mucus, cough, nasal drip, etc. Only a detailed examination can detect the diagnosis of the problem. Sinusitis mostly takes place due to any virus or bacteria. Therefore, it is significant to find out between acute sinusitis and normal one. The reason behind this is the ‘common cold’, which is also known as acute nasopharyngitis happens due to a viral infection. Normally, it takes five days to resolve the problem and does not need any antibiotics for it.

The treatment revolves around helping the patient with the symptoms. At times, a combination of nasal and oral medicines also does the job. Also, nasal saline washes are also a great solution. You can also get steroid sprays along with cough medicine. It is better to consult an ENT doctors before you are taking any medication.

If you are suffering from bacterial sinusitis, the symptoms will last for five to seven days, and an ENT doctor can help you treat the problem. There are various factors that are responsible for sinusitis, which includes allergies, nasal polyps, and deviated septum.

Treatments for Sinusitis

If you are suffering from acute sinusitis, it is better to opt for acute sinusitis treatment. The problem will last for only four weeks and can improve within ten days. However, if you have chronic sinusitis, it can last for about three months or for years. It is important to understand that the treatments are hard.

Acute sinusitis normally takes place due to cold and happens due to allergies. You can opt for allergy medications if you are suffering from acute sinusitis. At times, antifungal treatment can also be one of the options.

Treat Sinusitis with Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates

If you are suffering from sinusitis, taking proper medication and the doctor’s help is extremely important. You can come to us and treat yourself by the best experts in the city.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers