Swallowing Complications That Aging Invites for People

Problems have found a direct way to human’s peaceful lives. Health disorders of various kinds begin to shake one’s well-being from its place. However, every bad thing has a good ending with an appropriate solution. Likewise, the swallowing issues (dysphagia) can dissolve by contacting reliable ear nose throat specialists in OKC.

Do we see swallowing complications arising after a certain age? Yes! Statistics show that these issues become common when one surpasses 50. The best ENT doctors in Oklahoma City always aim to resolve the matter with a thorough examination and healing plan.

Let’s sprinkle some clarity into the matter: we will reveal some need-to-know details concerning dysphagia, such as indications and diagnosis. These facts will leave you enlightened about what to do when swallowing problems arise.

Swallowing Details by Ear Nose Throat Specialists

People in OKC prioritize skincare, fashion and many other areas. In some instances, they also opt for healthy eating and workout. However, swallowing is a crucial phenomenon that stays out of people’s vision. And with the onset of aging, these complications become super common.

Today’s Fact: You will notice various individuals over 50 who complain of dysphagia.

Contemplating the Swallowing Phases

Before you talk to an ear nose throat doctor, you must grasp some details regarding the swallowing process. Here are four phases to recognize:

The Preparation Phase: The first step involves breaking down and preparing food particles via chewing and saliva secretion.

The Oral Phase: After the chewing procedure ends, the tongue pushes the food to the posterior region. This step initiates the swallowing phenomenon.

The Pharyngeal Phase: That’s the time when food accesses the digestive tract. In this phase, food passes through the throat and enters the esophagus.

The Final Phase: As the food particle reaches the end portion of the food pipe, it enters the stomach. That’s how the purpose of swallowing completes. Imagine what may happen when you notice difficulties with this process. Won’t that affect your digestion and overall health, requiring an ear nose throat specialist?

The Common Signs Asking for ENT Care

People facing dysphagia will likely notice the indications of drooling, choking-like scenarios, blood-stained coughing, and stuck food sensation in the throat, sudden weight loss and vocal fluctuations.

Who Are the Problem-Causing Agents?

Sometimes, swallowing issues give signs of other underlying health disorders. However, in most cases, this problem may arise due to the following factors:

  • The Possibility of Bacterial Throat Infections

  • Acid Reflux Issues

  • The Presence of Esophagal Tumors

  • Vocal Cord Paralysis and Drug Side Effects

A Vital Note: Reliable healing depends on identifying the root cause. For this purpose, you’ll need the helping hands of an ENT specialist near you.

The World of Diagnosis and Healing

The Diagnostic Aspect: Barium Swallow, TNE and FEES diagnostic methods can recognize what’s wrong with swallowing.

The Healing Aspect: Options like ENT-prescribed drugs, retraining exercises and dilation can become ultra-helpful in these conditions.

Expose Yourself to the Supportive Ambiance of OKOA

As you visit Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, you will realize that every problem has a better and more reliable solution. Our well-trained doctors have surpassed the 35-year mark of enduring dependable ENT care. Pave the way for your comprehensive healing.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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