Symptoms of Sinus Infection You Need to Know
A recent study shows, sinus infection occurs when the nasal cavities get infected and swollen. If you experience these types of problems, then you may have sinus and you need acute sinusitis treatment.
Generally, virus is the carrier and it may persist even the respiratory symptoms are gone. Sometime, bacteria or the fungus may cause the sinus infection. Other clinical conditions like allergies, tooth infections and nasal polyps may cause the sinus pain and symptoms.
Now, we will discuss some of the acute sinus symptoms.
Pain in the sinus
Pain is the common symptom for sinus. You may have a pain in your eyes and noses. In addition, inflammation and swelling may cause the sinus to ache. In turn, you may feel pain in the forehead. You may feel on your nose, upper jaws and teeth.
Nasal discharge
Having a sinus infection may cause blowing your nose due to nasal discharge that may be green or yellow. It comes from the infected sinuses and drains through the nasal passages. This type of discharge may also bypass in the nose and throat. Feeling a tickle or an itching is not very abnormal situation in this condition. This may lead to cough at night, when you are lying down in the bed.
Pressure and swelling in the sinus may trigger the symptoms of the headache. Not only that, sinus pressure may also give you earaches, dental pain and jaw pain. Generally, sinus pain get worst in the morning, as it collects fluids all night.
Throat irritation
Throat irritation may happen, as it discharging fluids towards your throat. It can lead to persistent cough. Generally, cough may worsen the situation in the time of sleep or in the morning after getting up in bed. As a consequence, sleeping can be difficult too. You can try sleeping upright to reduce the frequency of sleeping.
Sore throat
Raw and aching throat may happen due to post nasal drip. If you are facing these problems constantly, then don’t hesitate to undergo acute sinusitis treatment. Avoiding these issues will cause more irritation and inflammation in your throat.
Unwind yourself with the aid of specialists
Flummoxed with acute sinus problem in OKC? Feel free to contact with the specialists of OKOA. Here, you will get top-notch quality treatment along with maximum care from the doctors. Schedule your booking today.
**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.