The Common Conditions of Nose & Ear Ailments

The Common Conditions of Nose & Ear Ailments.jpg

Ears and noses play critical roles in the human body. They help us with a wide range of things, from oxygen intake to hormone regulation. It's critical to take care of your ears and nose because they're involved in so many bodily processes.

Many ears, nose, and throat disorders in people of all ages can be treated by a family medicine practitioner. Here are a few typical ailments that a family physician can help you with. Before talking to an ear doctor, see the detailed reasons behind such a condition.


The most common types of nosebleeds affect people of all ages and include:

  • Anterior nosebleeds are those that originate from a blood vessel in the front of the nose. They account for 90% of all nosebleeds.

  • Posterior nosebleeds are significantly less common than anterior nosebleeds, and are more common in the elderly. The arteries in the back of the nose are the source of these nosebleeds, which are frequently brought on by hypertension. Nasal treatment is nearly always required if there is a posterior nosebleed.

Nosebleeds are more common in winter and in dry or cold areas. Children between the ages of 2 and 10 are most likely to develop them, as are adults between the ages of 50 and 80.

Nosebleeds can be brought on by a variety of factors, including:

Trauma to the nose or face is the leading cause of nosebleeds. Outside traumas like being smacked in the face or nose are one type of internal trauma. Another type is complications that occur during a cold or cough, such as picking one's nose excessively.

Some patients have a disease that makes it difficult or impossible for blood to clot, which can cause nosebleeds. Certain blood-thinning drugs may also be to blame for this side effect.

  • A disease of the liver

  • Nose tumors or abnormal blood vessel growth

  • Although high blood pressure can be a factor in nosebleeds, it is not the sole one.

The nasal treatment for nosebleeds varies based on the severity and the source of the bleeding. Many home cures don't require the assistance of a doctor and can be effective to stop bleeding.

Preventing nosebleeds is possible for those who are more prone to them or who experience them more frequently.

  • Use a humidifier or a nasal lubricant to soothe your sore nose and reduce irritation from dry air. These become much more critical in the winter.

  • Quit smoking as fast as you can. Smoking can cause nasal dryness and irritation, as well as other health problems.

  • You have to do things like clearing your nose and picking at it every now and then, but try to avoid doing so intensely that you cause a nosebleed.

Do not forget to call an ear doctor whenever you encounter such symptoms. Contact us at OKOA to schedule your consultation.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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