Things to Know When You Are Suffering from Continuous Cough

Once in a while, we all encounter a situation where we are coughing throughout the day. We agree that this is annoying. But you should not ignore coughing. Coughing is a symptom when your lungs are infected. When something hinders your clear airways, your body’s natural reflex tries to get it out of the system.

The normal cold can also cause the airways to be blocked, resulting in a cough. Hence, you should get yourself checked in an Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic if you are experiencing repeated coughs.

Two Types of Coughs:

There are two types of coughs that you may experience. One is an acute cough, and one is a chronic cough.

Acute coughs can be seen if you have had a respiratory infection recently. Acute cough can last from three weeks to eight weeks, depending on the acuteness of the infection. You may notice acute cough if you have:

  • Respiratory infections

  • Encountered allergens such as mold or pollen etc.

  • Underlying conditions like pulmonary embolism

  • Come across environmental allergens such as dust and smoke

Unlike acute cough, according to the Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic, you will notice chronic cough if there are any underlying conditions you are facing. Chronic coughs will last more than eight weeks. Asthma, sleep apnea, heart disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, lung cancer, etc., can cause a chronic cough.

Do You Need A Doctor?

To answer in a word, yes. If your cough lasts more than a few weeks, you should get checked by a doctor. The doctor will give you some tests so that they can determine the cause of the cough.

Until the time you get checked in an Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic, you should keep a check for the following system:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Night sweats

  • Swollen ankle

  • Fever

  • Thick mucus, especially green or yellow

  • Sudden weight loss

You should get immediate medical attention if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above.

Get Effective Treatment:

OKOA is the most well-known Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic. We help you with the diagnosis and treatment of your cough. We will go through your medical history and the symptoms you notice.

If necessary, our skilled doctors will perform medical tests to diagnose the root cause. Depending on the assessment, we will decide on a course of effective treatment for you. Are you suffering from a persistent cough? Get in touch with us at OKOA.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.