Vitamin D Deficiency and Sleep Apnea

vitamin D

The absence of vitamin D may be linked to various diseases, such as psoriasis, chronic disease of the kidneys, diabetes mellitus, asthma, depression and cancer. Indeed, some recent studies have also shown that our Vitamin D levels could influence the sleep quality.

This can be one reason for your daytime fatigue, sleep disorders and in some cases an important factor leading to sleep apnea obstruction. Here is a look at how vitamin D can improve sleep and how vitamin D levels can be increased in your body. Hence vitamin D consumption is an essential part of sleep apnea treatment.

In response to sunlight, the body actually generates own Vitamin D. That's why vitamin D is actually not considered a vitamin, but rather a hormone. In the form of food – fish oils and egg yolks– as well as supplements, people also receive Vitamin D.

Unfortunately, many people do not have enough vitamin D, which can lead to complications in health. Vitamin D, which is now widely recognized as a public health problem, can be estimated to be lack in 50% or more of the adults and children.

The mental and physical function of the body is dependent on vitamin D. It helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus and helps bone health. Vitamin D healthy levels may contribute to weight loss and weight management.

For maintaining healthy sleep, vitamin D may also be important. Recent research has shown that vitamin D can affect both the quality of sleep and the amount of sleep.

Low Vitamin D Level and Sleep

  • Low vitamin D makes people sleep less at night often five hours a day

  • Low vitamin D makes lower sleep efficiency scores, often less than 70%. Higher sleep efficiency score is 85% or higher.

Reduced sleep efficiency is an indicator of sleep quality and sleep quality problems. A low level of sleep efficiency can mean that sleep takes a long time or that it can be very early. A low level of sleep can also result in a fragmented and restful sleep and a great deal of awakening in the night.

Increasing Vitamin D Level in Body

Sunlight Exposure

It's the best way to provide your body with vitamin D. If you become exposed to direct sunlight, your body starts producing vitamin D automatically. The longer you spend under the sun, the more vitamin D will be produced to your body. This depends, however, on factors such as daytime, clothes, sunscreen, weather and skin pigmentation.

The experts have stated that in light sunshine, it takes 5-10 minutes to meet your needs of vitamin D. Once again, the proposed period may vary by season, daytime and weather. Maybe you will spend a little longer under the sun in the winter. But keep this in mind that your skin may be damaged by excessive exposure. You may have several diseases related to skin – including cancer of the skin.

Nutritious Diet

Another good way to increase the intake of vitamin D rich in food is to increase the intake of vitamin D. Salmon, tuna, sardines and swordfish provide our bodies with excellent vitamin D. Also reliable, good sources of Vitamin D are egg yolks and mushroom. Take milk foods – like milk and curd, citrus juice, and certain cereals – because these can increase your levels of vitamin D.


In chemist shops and pharmacies you can easily find vitamin D enriched supplements. They deal with the deficiency very effectively. But, first check with your doctor because they may cause side effects. For more details visit OKOA for sleep apnea treatment and more on vitamin D help on it.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.