What Sleep Deprivation Can Do to You?

Two aspects of life that cannot be overlooked and jeopardized are sleep and productivity. For a complete life, they go together. Adequate sleep is essential and it has always been demonstrated in order to achieve productivity. You should visit a sleep clinic immediately if you are unable to get sound sleep.

Poor and insufficient sleep leads to a number of cognitive deficits. The loss of sleep greatly affects people's functioning, which means they cannot keep their attention properly. They have less alertness, slower reaction times, sluggish perceptions, modified mental processing, and failure of having clear thoughts. This affects productivity negatively.

Deprivation of Sleep Has an Impact on Financial Productivity

Evidence reveals a negative impact of poor sleep on the motor performance and cognitive behavior of an individual. In those participating in strategic or creative operations and profiles which need brain storming along with constant learning, this becomes more important to get adequate sleep.

An analysis showed that the costs of sleeping disorders were high directly and indirectly. An estimated 1.55% is financial cost, while 4.6% of the gross domestic product cost is non-financial.

According to statistics in the United States, sleep deprivation can be attributed to productivity losses of up to $136.4 billion.

Is There Only a Question of Economic Productivity?

Sleep deprivation also jeopardizes safety. A CRRI report revealed that approximately 40% of the road accident at highway can be attributed to drivers with low sleep.

A study found that sleep disorders led to work accidents more than doubling in comparison to otherwise healthy people. Workers who constantly face sleep deprivation and sleeplessness, during the day are twice as likely as those without a sleep disorder to injure themselves at work.

Employees on heavy machinery and vehicle operations, especially if sleep is deprived, are more likely to present safety dangers. Several studies of sleep apnea and occupational risks have shown this disorder to be widespread in industrial drivers. This put road safety at risk and results in more accidents on roads.

Sleep disorders may be a serious health and safety concern for society as a whole because of their under diagnosis.

The Social Experiences and Activities Due to Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation-related mood swings are a significant source of disrupting inter-personal contact and may disrupt a healthy work atmosphere that is otherwise harmonious. These changes in mood can also result in unexpected silence and social retirement that impact productivity.

Experts agree the more reckless decision-making happens due to sleep deprivation. Excessive sleepiness often leads to aggressive behavior, mood swings and absenteeism.

Good Sleeps Means Workplace Promotion

The duration and quality of sleep have a significant effect on workers' performance at various stages. For the prosperity of individuals and organizations, creating and fostering safe environment for proper sleep is important. The experts urge us to sleep well, for a prosperous and safe life, for 7-9 hours.

Introduction and encouragement of healthy sleep patterns will undoubtedly be related to positive, efficient corporate performance at the organizational level.

Do not delay to visit our sleep clinic in OKC. OKOA will provide the appropriate treatment for sleep deprivation and will ensure you a sound night’s sleep.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.