What Types of Surgery Are There for Chronic Ear Issues?

When persistent ear infections impact your life, understanding the surgical options can be vital. Chronic middle ear conditions lasting over three months or worsening despite treatment might necessitate surgical intervention. It's important to consult an ear infection specialist in OKC to find out about the possible treatments and surgical solutions.

Surgery- Treatment Prescribed By Ear Infection Specialists

Chronic middle ear infections that linger for months or worsen potentially affect your quality of life. These often prompt the need for surgical intervention. Bacteria embedded in the bone are common culprits. An ear infection specialist focuses on ear disorders (otologist or neurotologist) will assess the necessity for surgeries listed below.

Myringoplasty Explained

A myringoplasty is advised when no infection persists in the middle ear or mastoid bone. This surgery involves repairing the eardrum using a tissue graft to develop hearing and block infections from spreading. Improvement in hearing is generally noticeable 6-8 weeks post-recovery.

The BM-T Option- Bilateral Myringotomy and Tubes

This procedure, as recommended by an ear infection specialist, involves creating a small incision in the eardrum to insert tubes that facilitate fluid drainage. Performed as an outpatient surgery, these tubes are designed to fall out naturally after 6-12 months.

Tympanoplasty for Ear Health

Tympanoplasty aims to eradicate inner ear infections and restore hearing by repairing the eardrum and sound-transmitting parts of the ear. This surgery typically involves a behind-the-ear incision and uses fascia or cartilage for the eardrum reconstruction.

Addressing the Mastoid with Surgery

A mastoidectomy, often performed alongside a tympanoplasty, aims to clear infections from the mastoid bone. This is accessible through an incision behind the ear. This procedure targets the area connected to the middle ear.

Opting Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy

In cases of severe ear canal destruction due to infections or cholesteatomas, this surgery is vital. It usually accompanies a tympanoplasty and involves using bone grafts and cartilage to repair the ear canal structure.

Meatoplasty for Improved Ear Access

Meatoplasty is necessary when the outer ear canal opening is too small, especially following a canal wall down mastoidectomy. This procedure enlarges the access by removing cartilage, facilitating easier maintenance of the ear's internal spaces.

Assessing the Need for Ear Surgery

When conventional treatments like medication or minor procedures don't cure chronic ear infections, surgery becomes a crucial option. Ear infection specialists often recommend surgery as a definitive measure to combat severe and persistent infections that lead to significant hearing loss or continuous discomfort. Typically, surgery is considered for patients who have endured relentless ear pain or dysfunction for more than six months. This approach aims to address the underlying issues effectively, restoring ear health and improving quality of life. Surgical intervention is a tailored solution recommended by reputable ear infection specialists aimed at those for whom other therapies have proven ineffective.

Hear Better With Expert Care!

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates provides expert care to cure the challenges of persistent ear infections. Our team of ear infection specialists in OKC is here to help you hear better and live comfortably. Contact us today to discuss your treatment options!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.