Why Do Adults Snore and the Treatment Options?

Why Do Adults Snore and the Treatment Options.jpg

Snoring is a common problem among people across the world. People snore when the soft tissues of the upper airway in their nose vibrate and this vibration produces sound. According to the research, more than 30% of women and 45% of men snore while sleeping. You should not take it as a matter of fun because of snoring many couples have to sleep in separate rooms and it affects their relationship.

Keep in mind that snoring can occur due to a serious health condition which is known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). If the patient breathes slowly or stops breathing frequently, then it can lead to snoring. If you or your loved one snore while sleeping, then contact the physician for snoring treatment.


  • There are various symptoms including,

  • Restless sleep

  • Cannot concentrate properly.

  • Experience chest pain at night.

  • The patient notice excessive daytime sleepiness

  • Choking at night

  • Your partner cannot sleep properly.

  • You experience headaches in the morning.

Various Risk Factors

  1. According to the research, men are more prone to snoring or sleep apnea than women.

  2. The people who have a structural defect in the airway, then there is a higher risk of snoring.

  3. If you are overweight, then it may lead to snoring.

  4. If you drink too much alcohol, then it can increase the risk of snoring.

  5. If you have a family history of snoring, then heredity plays an important role.

Treatment Options

  • Palatial Implants

In this procedure, the specialist gives local anesthesia and then places three polyester implants into the soft palate. After placing them, the palate becomes stiff and as a result, less vibration occurs and you will not snore. There are various advantages of this process that is known as the Pillar procedure including minimal discomfort, ease to use and you can recover quickly.

  • Radiofrequency

The specialist uses this snoring treatment in the office by applying local anesthesia. The expert uses heat to stiffen the soft palate. You may have to go through multiple treatments. Keep in mind that it may take a longer time to recover and you feel more discomfort compared to palatial implants treatment.

  • Nasal Surgery

If you are suffering from a septal deviation, allergies, turbinate hypertrophy and polyps, then in that case, it can cause snoring. In few cases, the specialists use nasal steroid spray to reduce the problem. In many cases, the doctor performs this snoring treatment known as radiofrequency turbinate reduction (RFTR) by applying local anesthesia. The experts use radiofrequency heat so that it can shrink swollen tissues of the nose. There are other surgeries including polyp removal and septoplasty which are also common.

What to Do Next?

If you face difficulties in your daily life because of snoring, then contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. They will help you to solve the problem.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.