Why Ear Tubes Are Essential for Kids?

pediatric ent doctor

Almost every child gets ear infection. In most cases, virus or bacterial accumulation in middle ear, to be specific in the eardrum, is the cause of ear infection. Children get ear infection more than adults as they are growing.

The Eustachian tubes drain fluid, that are the parts of the ears, are smaller in children and often at the ground level. For obvious reasons, even in a healthy young kid fluid draining can be defective. The situation turns worse when the child gets caught by cold and the tube is filled by mucus or swelled up. This is the condition when bacteria start thriving leading to an infection. During an infection, middle ear gets filled up by fluids creating pressure and pain inside. Under this condition, you may find these symptoms –

  • Fluid from ears

  • Sleeping trouble

  • Clumsiness

  • Balancing trouble

  • Tugging at the ears

You will find worse side effects of cold and flu. Ear infections are one of the annoying symptoms to deal with. Ear drops to antibiotics – there are multiple alternatives to ear infection cure. However, ear tubes are more fitting and approachable option for infection.

Ear Tubes

Ear tubes can be of real help for ear infection prone kids or adults. Your pediatric ENT or otolaryngologist in OKC will surgically place it inside the ear and will use anesthesia. This ear tube will prevent bacterial fluid collection as it creates a hole in the middle ear which gives an air and fluid passage to pass them through. Ear tubes are more effective for kids as their eustachian tubes are smaller and they get clogged easily. These tubes are semi-permanent alternatives and placed into ears as it is a temporary solution. It stays inside ears until the tube gets matured. Once it is matured, the ear tube is removed.

Recover Process and Procedure

There are different styles for ear tubes. You will get plastic or metal tubes or dissolving tubes. However, this style has no impact on the purpose of an ear tube. Additionally, these tubes are also helpful for kids who have speech problems. As kids get affected by cold and flu more than adults, this tube is more essential for them, especially by the age of three. The process takes 15 minutes to complete.

The pediatric ENT in OKC will make an incision to remove all accumulated fluid. This process heals fast and has minor discomfort. After the process, the children can get back home. For ear tube or other ear infection treatment, contact our pediatric ENT in OKC at OKOA.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.