Why Tinnitus Occurs- Causes

tinnitus problem

Tinnitus is a very common issue with ear safety, affecting about 15 % of the population. The vibration in the ears varies from very low to extreme, continuous noise. This is the characteristics of the body. Some people may also feel their own heartbeat ticking, humming or vibration. Tinnitus will make it difficult to concentrate on your job, sleep and conversation in your everyday life. When you have tinnitus, visiting an ear nose and throat specialist and finding care is always a good idea.

How Is Tinnitus Causing?

There are a variety of things that can cause tinnitus, so you don't always have to go away on time, so you may need medication to alleviate the symptoms. Here are some of Tinnitus' most common causes:

Loss of Hearing

You may have a hearing impairment as you age. If this occurs, Tinnitus symptoms get more prominent as those are not covered by external sound. When your tinnitus is more apparent, an ENT doctor will check your hearing to ensure there is no underlying hearing loss problem.

Noises That Are Loud

The inside of your ear hair cells can be weakened by excessive noise exposure and this can result in tinnitus. It is very common in individuals who listen to loud music through headphones or act like a construction floor in a noisy setting. Using ear protection can help avoid this but if you do not take the proper Precautions damage can already be done.

Earwax That Are Not Cleaned for a Long Time

Tinnitus can also be caused by the build-up of earwax over time. You will easily eliminate this excess earwax when you visit an ear-nose-throat specialist and you will find that your symptoms have been reduced. If not, it's a warning that tinnitus is triggered by something else.

Will Tinnitus Go with Time?

If you have tinnitus, you should definitely ask for an ENT doctor's advice as in the majority of cases it won't always go on your own. Often Tinnitus can improve after a brief period of time due to the exposure to noisy noises. However, an underlying cause typically needs to be discussed by a physician.

Tinnitus caused by ear infections, ear wax buildup, or perforated tubes will only go away if you are seeking care in order to resolve the underlying cause. This can require antibiotics to clear infections or to syringes the ears to extract excess wax. You will find that if the root cause is treated, the tinnitus is gone.

When you have a blood vessel problem, you can also reduce your tinnitus symptoms by taking measures to lower your blood pressure and eliminate blockages in your blood vessels.

Come to OKOA and talk to our ear, nose and throat specialist. You will get the right treatment and lead a happy life.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.