You Snoring Could Be an Allergic Reaction


You might not be surprised to learn if you fight to breathe through the nose while sleeping, that the blocked nose could be the leading cause of snoring. An allergy, which is likely caused by allergens in your home, is often responsible for a blocked nose.

Household environments collect dust from flaking skin. This dust is not necessarily the cause of the allergy, but it attracts dust mites. These microscopic arachnids feed and breed, invisible to the naked eye. Their waste includes proteins that cause allergy symptoms, including human snoring, and to no small extent. If your physician tested you if are allergic to certain things, consult our allergy doctors in OKC for a complete diagnosis and treatment.

Snoring – What Is It?

When the soft palate vibrates, it causes snoring. The vibration results from air flow restrictions into and out of the body — i.e., air finds it challenging to get past the mouth and sinuses and into the lungs. It follows with a loud noise that can echo and disrupt others sleeping throughout the house.

Blocked Nose Causes Snoring

Breathing through your nose can become difficult if you are vulnerable to dust mites’ allergens. A blocked nose could lead you to snore when:

  • Nasal breathing gives a rumbling, whistling sound.

  • A blocked nose causes suction forces that restrict the upper air path to generate the soft-palate snore.

  • A blocked nose could make it impossible to respire, so you have to breathe by your mouth instead.

  • You need to change the position of your face to breathe, which reduces the airways.

How to Know if You Are Allergic

If you suspect snoring is caused by allergies, ask yourself a few questions whether you need to see allergy doctors in OKC.

  • Are there carpeted floors and other soft-furnishing at home? Carpeting can easily trap dust and dust mites.

  • Do you snore less when away from home?

  • Are there sudden symptoms? Allergic symptoms act more quickly than common cold symptoms.

  • Have your eyes and throat been itchy besides having a blocked nose?

portrait of a woman with allergic reaction

Allergy to dust mites is unique because it can cause allergy symptoms throughout the year. Symptoms all year round are rather rare because pollen and molds are the most common and seasonal allergens. Dust mites may cause this if you suffer from year-round snoring. Interestingly enough, dust mites are flourishing in beds that make them an ideal cause of rhinitis and snoring.

Allergic rhinitis is likely to blame when your sinuses are chronically inflamed. Allergic rhinitis is a nasal inflammation that causes congestion and excess mucus.

You might think “sure, I snore, but why does this matter?” Your sinuses are inflamed by something. Allergens can cause inflammation and other problems so it's worth rooting them out.

  • Do you have a stuffed up nose with rare relief?

  • Is it seasonal?

  • Have you got pets in the house?

  • Have you checked your home for mold?


Sinus Inflammation and Allergic Rhinitis

Dust mites are almost surely home and are still alive in carpeting, beds, and sofas. People continuously throw off dead skin cells. When you first your home, that dust you wipe away mostly is made of your dead skin. Dust mites will never be recognized for most people, but they will be disdained for the millions of people with allergy symptoms. Bed covers, air purifiers, HVAC allergy filters, and changing out carpeted floors helps to remove populations of dust mites from your home.

Mouth Breathing and Time of Day

You should monitor your breathing if you are suspected of snoring because of dust mite problems. The nasal vibrations in the night and allergy symptoms in the morning may caused by the proximity of dust mites for most people. Congestion usually decreases all day because you are outside or at work, and the symptoms of rhinitis start in the evening again.

At OKOA, our allergy doctors in OKC can help overcome your dust allergy and related snoring. Now your family will have a sound sleep!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.