Rhinoplasty is a process that is commonly known as “nose reshaping” or a “nose job”. Rhinoplasty is typically utilized to enhance facial aesthetics. However, it is also a corrective procedure that can repair breathing deficiencies brought about by structural defects in the nose.
How is this operation performed? A qualified doctor will start by lifting the skin of the nose from the underlying structures beneath. Next, the proper alterations will be made to the bone and the cartilage. The skin will then be placed back over the nasal structures, and the healing process will begin.
People consider nose reshaping for a myriad of reasons ranging from difficulty breathing, nasal injuries, to physical enhancement.
Rhinoplasty can correct many issues relating to the nose, including:
Balancing nose size to match facial features
Aligning nose width to the size of the nostrils
Smoothing nose profiles which contains bump or depressions
Altering the tip of the nose when it is enlarged, upturned, or sagging
Overall nasal asymmetry
Improving obstructed airways
Correcting deviated septum
Whether you are seeking rhinoplasty for improved facial features or as a way to improve your health, surgery is a big decision. Nasal surgery is a very delicate and intricate procedure. In fact, “According to the latest statistics released by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Many plastic surgeons feel rhinoplasty is the most artistic and difficult cosmetic surgical procedure” (The Rhinoplasty Society).
This is why Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates has the best rhinoplasty doctor in Oklahoma. Dr. Wayne is Board Certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, since May 2002 and American Board of Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery since June 2005. He is a Senior Examiner for the American Board of Otolaryngology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Section and was Assistant Professor at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center’s Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from 2002 to 2016. Read more about Dr. Wayne on our website.
If you are considering rhinoplasty in OKC. please contact us today!