7 Easy Remedies That Will Give You Relief From Snoring

You may belong among the 45% of adults who snore while sleeping occasionally. Everyone may laugh at your snoring and may not give importance to the problem. Though we are not aware of this matter it can be a serious one if you left it untreated. It is obvious that a person may not be able to sleep right next to the person who snores and it can be really stressful for both of them and affect their relationship.

According to researches, it does not create problems but also approx. 75% of them also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea which higher the risk of heart disease. Keep in mind that consuming over-the-counter medications and sprays without consulting with the doctor is not helpful at all.

The research has also shown that though taking advice from your doctor is mandatory to get permanent treatment, making some changes in your lifestyle may also help you stop snoring. If you or your life partner snore during sleep for years, then it’s time to visit a doctor’s clinic for snoring treatment.

Change Your Sleep Position

You should not lie on your back while sleeping. Otherwise, this sleeping position collapses the base of your soft palate and tongue to the back wall of your throat and causes a vibrating sound during sleep. You just simply change the position and sleep on your side to get better sleep.

Raise the Upper Area of Your Bed

Elevating the upper area of your bed prior to sleep may help you to keep your airways open and reduce snoring. You can also use other products including a pillow or bed riser to get a little extra height. Also, you should contact an expert for snoring treatment immediately.

Lose Some Pound

In a few cases, losing weight may help some people but not everyone. As reported, thin people can also snore. If you start to snore after gaining extra weight, only then losing a few pounds may help.

Don’t Consume Alcohol

Keep in mind that sedatives and alcohol lessen the resting tone of the muscles in your throat. Many people drink alcohol four to five hours before sleeping which makes the problem worse. Even people who don’t have this problem.

Please, Don’t Be a Tractor!

You can reduce your snoring problem just by following these above-mentioned tips. But if the problem persists for a longer period, then don’t wait. You should contact the doctor for snoring treatment. You can also consult us at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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