What to Expect While Treating a Deviated Septum

Have you been experiencing some issues with your nose, and have you visited the doctor? Have they told you that you have deviated septum? If yes, then know the details.

It is a disorder where the cartilage and bone separating your nostrils are crooked or off-center. There are several reasons it can occur, like it can be a congenital disability, or a fatal development, or it can occur due to some injury. One of the passageways gets completely blocked for some people, making it very hard for the person to breathe out. Many treatments are present for this, but the best might be nose septum surgery.

Way to Understand

If you are experiencing frequent nosebleeds or swelling in your nasal tissue, it might be because of a deviated septum. You might also experience facial pain and swelling. Another symptom is having difficulty breathing out of your nose. In this case, the first thing you should do is go to your ENT doctor, who can diagnose your symptoms and suggest the best treatment. It can be a non-invasive treatment or nose septum surgery.


Initially, your doctor might suggest you some ways to manage your symptoms. Some of those ways are:

  • Decongestants- This is a medication that can reduce nasal swelling and keep your nasal airways open. It is available in both spray and pill form. But it should be used with caution as if you use it frequently, it will create dependency, and the symptoms might worsen after you stop using them.

  • Antihistamines- These are medications that can prevent allergy symptoms like a runny nose. They are also known to help nonallergic reactions that occur due to cold. But this medication can cause drowsiness and affect your ability to do your usual chores.

  • Nasal spray- Some sprays can effectively remove swelling from your nose and help with drainage. It might take 1 to 3 weeks to reach its maximum effect.


If you are still experiencing all those symptoms even after medical therapy, your doctor will consider nose septum surgery. Your nasal septum is straightened and repositioned in the center during this procedure. Your level of recovery depends on the kind of nose septum surgery you have had. The symptoms might completely disappear, and you can lead a normal life.

Treat Yourself to a Better Life

If you have a deviated septum, you have to go to a qualified ENT doctor, which you can find in Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. They have the best ENT doctors in their department. Call to schedule a consultation today.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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