Adenoidectomy: A Better Solution to Adenoid Problems

Adenoid is a type of tissue that sits at the back of the nasal passage. This patch of the tissue traps harmful viruses and bacteria and keeps the body healthy. It is a very essential part especially for babies to prevent infections. But as time passes, the body learns to fight germs in other ways thereby making adenoid a less important organ. Generally, adenoids can disappear in the teenage period. But many children suffer from sore throat, repeated ear infections due to enlarged adenoids. If your child suffers from this condition for several months, visit a pediatric ENT specialist.

What is Enlarged Adenoid?

As you know that the adenoid traps the germs thereby the tissue swells temporarily while fighting an infection. Allergy is another reason to make the adenoid enlarged. If it gets infected several times, then the specialist may recommend you to remove it to get a permanent solution.

Symptoms of Enlarged Adenoids

Adenoids are situated at the top of the throat behind the nose. If you do not treat the swelling in the primary stage, then it can cause a blockage in the Eustachian tube and lead to ear infections and temporary loss of hearing. You can also notice other symptoms such as:

  • Noisy breathing

  • Nasally voice

  • Frequent breathing

  • Dry mouth

  • Cracked lips

  • Runny nose

  • Snoring

  • Sinus infections

How Does Doctor Diagnose the Condition?

First of all, the pediatric ENT specialist checks the nose, ear and throat of your child and feels the jaw along with the neck. He or she may recommend doing an x-ray or using a telescope to look into the nasal passage. After that, the expert may prescribe various medicines and nasal steroids to help decrease swelling in the adenoids.

When Is It Time to Go for Adenoidectomy?

The removal process of adenoids can make the child feel better than before. According to researchers, adenoidectomy is the most familiar surgical procedures done on children in the United States. If your child does not respond well to medications, then the pediatric ENT expert may suggest an adenoidectomy. In many cases, doctors remove both tonsil and adenoids at the same time - it is also known as tonsilloadenoidectomy. The experts decide the surgery based on specific symptoms and the medical history of your child.

When Should You Call a Doctor?

  • If your child refuses to drink

  • Develops a fever

  • Experiences trouble turning the neck

  • Vomits after taking medicine

Did You Book Your Schedule?

If you suspect that your child suffers from adenoids or tonsils, then book an appointment with an expert ENT specialist at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. They also provide other services including nose & sinus, neck & throat, allergy in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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